Taming a Texas Devil - Katie Lane Page 0,78

enough to know that you’re too afraid to shoot.” The sheriff made a grab for the gun and Dixie pulled the trigger.

He fell on the ground and grabbed his leg. “You shot me.”

She had. She’d shot him. Thankfully, she hadn’t killed him, but she’d definitely shot him.

“Nice shootin’.”

At the words, she whirled around to see a man sitting on a horse. The horse was lathered like he’d been ridden hard. She’d been so focused on the sheriff she hadn’t even heard the horse and rider approach. Since she didn’t know if the man was friend or foe, she kept a tight hold on the gun.

“Who are you and what are you doing on Double Diamond land?” she asked.

She couldn’t see his features clearly in the shadow of his cowboy hat, but she could see his bright smile. “Actually, this is my land. And I’m here because Chester and Lucas got a call from a freaked-out Texas Ranger who said he needed their help. I saddled up Doris and set out.”

A distant barking had her looking to see another rider coming over the ridge. It had to be Holden because Boomer raced along beside his galloping horse.

The man laughed. “You must be pretty important for Lincoln to call in the entire cavalry.” He pointed to the north. Two more riders came from the direction of the Gardener Ranch. She didn’t have to guess who they were.

Before she could get over the fact Lincoln had called all his friends to come rescue her, she heard a siren in the distance. Only a few moments later, Lincoln’s white Ford truck came barreling down the dirt road with lights flashing. Lincoln didn’t park behind the sheriff’s car. Instead, he drove straight toward her, flattening shrubs and bouncing over rocks. He came to a dust-spitting halt and hopped out of the truck.

She had never been so happy to see someone in her life.

He strode toward her, his gaze running over her from head to toe. When he reached her, he released his breath like he’d been holding it and pulled her into his arms. He held her tight and she was just fine with that.

He pressed his face into her neck and breathed deeply. “I was so worried I’d lost you. And I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had. I love you, Dixie Leigh. I love you so damn much.”

Tears came to her eyes and leaked down her cheeks. “I love you too.”

He drew back and looked at. “Are you sure?”

She laughed. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve loved you since you strutted into my office looking all hot and surly.”

“I might have to disagree,” the man on horseback said. “Lincoln is definitely surly. But the hottest Double Diamond boy has always been yours truly.”

Lincoln glanced at the man and grinned. “It’s about damn time you showed up, Sawyer Dawson.”

“Sawyer Dawson?” Dixie turned to look at the man and wondered why she hadn’t figured it out sooner. The cocky way he sat a horse should’ve been a dead giveaway he was another bad boy. “So you’re the last of the bad boys,” she said with a smile.

“Pleased to meet you, ma’am.” Sawyer took off his cowboy hat and Dixie’s eyes widened. Sawyer Dawson was one handsome rascal. Just not as handsome as hers. “Sorry to interrupt,” he said. “I believe you and Linc were telling each other how in love you are.”

About then, the rest of the riders finally showed up. “In love?” Logan said as he reined in his horse. He grinned at Lincoln. “I guess you finally drank the water.”

Cru laughed as he joined the group. “I didn’t think Lincoln was smart enough to figure out when he had a good thing. He was always more muscle than brains.”

“Just like you were more hormones than brains,” Sawyer said.

Cru tipped back his hat. “Well, I’ll be damned, if it’s not Sawyer Dawson. The rodeo prodigal son finally comes home.”

Logan moved his horse next to Sawyer’s and thumped him on the back. “Good to see you, Sawyer.”

“Damn good,” Holden said as he arrived. “And I hate to break up the reunion, but I think the sheriff might need an ambulance.”

“I already called one. And it’s the ex-sheriff.” Lincoln released Dixie, then unbuckled his belt and pulled it from the loops. He walked over and crouched by the sheriff, who hadn’t said a word since Dixie had shot him. He didn’t say anything now either. He just moaned when Lincoln looped the belt above the

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