Taming a Texas Devil - Katie Lane Page 0,47

They’re all crazy. I need to go. Keep me posted on the missing person’s case.”

Long after the call ended, Lincoln sat there in shock. Dixie was quitting? It had to be a mistake. She would have told him if she was planning to quit. Unless her father was blackmailing her. The thought of the senator bullying Dixie made Lincoln feel a little crazed.

He whistled for Boomer and headed back to the ranch. Once there, he unsaddled Doris and released her into the paddock, then he asked Chester to take care of Boomer and headed into town. On the way, he called Dixie. When she didn’t answer, the hard knot of anger tightened in his gut and hardened into fear.

He didn’t know why he would fear Dixie leaving. She didn’t mean anything to him. Sure, he liked her. She was hard not to like. He’d never met a more positive human being. While he looked for the worst in people, she always looked for the best. Even in him. She might be a little spoiled, but she was also generous and kind. She had proven it time and time again with the people of Simple.

He thumped the steering wheel with his fist. “She’s become a damn good deputy and I’m not going to let her father take her away from me.” He froze as he realized what he’d said. He quickly corrected himself. “Them. I’m not going to let her father take her away from them. The townsfolk.”

That was why he felt so upset. He was worried about the people of Simple. They deserved a good person like Dixie to watch out for them. Even if Sheriff Willaby came back, she would be there to keep an eye on the sheriff and make sure he didn’t get too out of hand. She had proven she could handle Willaby. Lincoln didn’t think there was a man alive she couldn’t handle.

As soon as Lincoln stepped into the sheriff’s department and heard Dixie’s voice coming from Willaby’s office, his shoulders relaxed and the lump of fear in his stomach eased. Although it tightened again when he heard what she was saying.

“Get your hands in the air. You’re under arrest for the murder of Sam Sweeney.”

She’d found Sam’s murderer and had him cornered in Willaby’s office? He went to push open the door when she continued.

“No! That’s all wrong, Dixie Leigh. You sounded like a kindergartener asking a friend if you could borrow a crayon. Now try it again and sound like the tough deputy you are.”

Lincoln grinned. She didn’t have Sam’s murderer cornered. She was only practicing. And if she was practicing making an arrest, she wasn’t going anywhere. The lump left his stomach and his grin got bigger as she continued in a deeper more menacing voice.

“Listen up, you lying bastard, you’re under arrest for the murder of Sam Sweeney. And if you give me any trouble, I’m going to fill you so full of holes your mama can use you to strain spaghetti.”

Lincoln laughed as he pushed open the door. He didn’t realize she was standing behind it until she released a startled gasp and dropped the gun she held. She looked shocked to see him. Or maybe she was embarrassed at being caught practicing an arrest. He tried to make light of it and treat it like just another training lesson.

“The spaghetti strainer part was a little over the top,” he said as he picked up her Glock. “It’s best to keep things simple. If you have reason to pull your gun, never let your gaze waver or your hands shake. They need to know you mean business.” He pointed the gun at a spot to the right of her and used his meanest voice. “Get face down on the ground and put your hands behind your back. Now!”

Fear entered her eyes and she dropped to the ground like a marionette with cut strings. He lowered the gun and was instantly concerned. “I didn’t expect you to actually drop to the ground, Dixie. Are you okay?”

She got to her feet, but her eyes were still wide and fearful. “What are you doing here? You told me you were going to spend the day at the Double Diamond looking for Sam’s body.” She paused. “Or do you already know where he’s buried?”

He shook his head. “Boomer isn’t going to be any help. We’ll probably need to bring in tracking dogs.” He set the gun on the desk and sat down in the

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