Taming a Texas Devil - Katie Lane Page 0,43

it at the ready just in case she spotted one. When she arrived at the springs, she found Lincoln sitting on a hollowed-out log. He grinned when he saw her.

“Glad you decided to join me. But the first rule of guns is never pull one out unless you intend to use it.”

She glanced around the ground. “I do intend to use it. Especially if you’ve seen a snake.”

“Not a one and I searched the entire area just in case you changed your mind.”

“You did? You’re not lying?”

He held up three fingers. “Scout’s honor. The coast is clear.” He stood and handed her a pair of tiny sponge earplugs. “Put these in and shoot at the knothole in that dead mesquite tree on the other side of the springs.”

She holstered her gun and took the earplugs. “So you were a boy scout?”

“No. I was too much of a troublemaker.”

“Then that promise meant nothing.”

He laughed again. This time, she enjoyed the crinkles in the corners of his eyes and the way the dimple in his chin flattened and then returned. “Yep, but it got you to trust me. Now show me what you got.”

She put in the earplugs and then pulled her gun back out. She held the Glock straight out, steadied her arm with her other hand, took aim and a deep breath, then fired. Wood splintered off the very center of the knothole. Her next shot hit as close. As did the next shot and the next shot. By the time she’d finished the clip, the tree had a big splintered spot in the center.

She holstered her gun, removed her earplugs, and turned to see Lincoln staring at her with wide eyes.

“Nice shooting, Tex. Now do you care to explain why you didn’t do well on the shooting range at the academy?”

She blew out her breath. “Because I didn’t like shooting the targets that looked like real people—even if they were pointing a gun at me.”

Lincoln studied her for a moment before he nodded. ““A good law officer should never feel comfortable about using their gun. Most situations can be dealt with using a cool head and a calm voice. Unfortunately, there are some instances where a gun is needed.”

“I know that. But knowing it and implementing it are two different things. Have you shot anyone?”


She swallowed. “Fatally?”

He nodded. “The gunman had already killed his girlfriend and wounded two police officers by the time I took him out. Still, I was pretty screwed up for a good year after it happened. It’s never easy to take a life. Even if you’re saving others.”

“What if I can’t do it? What if I can’t shoot and innocent people get hurt . . . or killed?”

“If you need to, you’ll be able to. You have good instincts.”

“Not like you. You stay calm and cool in all situations. I find it hard to believe you were a troublemaker as a kid. But I guess if you got sent to a boys’ ranch, you must’ve been.”

“People can change. You did.”

“What do you mean?”

“When was the last time you gave yourself a facial or painted your toes?”

She glanced down at her chipped fingernail polish. “I’ve been a little too busy for spa days.”

He smiled. “Exactly. You’ve started to take your job seriously. That’s change.”

She guessed she had changed, but so had he. “You’ve changed too.”

“How’s that?”

“You don’t look at me like I’m a complete ditz anymore.”

“I never thought you were stupid, Dixie. Just self-centered.”

She might’ve been upset about the self-centered thing if it hadn’t been the first time he’d called her Dixie. “So you do know my first name.”

“I know it. I just think it’s best if I don’t use it.”


His eyes turned dark and intense. “You know why.”

She did know why. Even now her heart thumped in overtime and moist heat settled in her panties. She stepped closer. Using just one finger, she gently touched the scar at the top corner of his mouth.

“Using my given name won’t make me want you any more, Lincoln,” she said in a soft whisper. “I already want you too much.”

His long lashes lowered and a sound came from deep in his throat. A sound that was part predatory growl and part needy groan. It was the sexiest sound Dixie had ever heard in her life. When he opened his eyes, he looked like a needy predator. “Damn you,” he said before he jerked her into his arms and kissed her.

It was a rough, desperate kiss. His lips demanded

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