Taming a Texas Devil - Katie Lane Page 0,3

a lot about spa days, do you, Officer Hayes?” she asked.

“Only that a deputy could get fired for enjoying them while on duty—especially in the office of their immediate supervisor.”

Most people would be scared at this point and start begging for their job. Dixie Leigh wasn’t most people. She had grown up with a hardheaded daddy and a steel magnolia mama who taught their only daughter to fight rather than give in. So she fought. “I don’t believe I read anything in the sheriff’s manual about spa days. But I did read that officers should practice good grooming at all times.”

His other eyebrow swept up. “Does it also say it’s okay to bring your pet to work?”

“A pet? What pet?”

He picked up the bag of cat treats that Dixie had completely forgotten to hide. “You like Kitty Heaven tuna treats, do you?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. They’re tasty and high protein.”

“Really?” He held out the bag. “Then you won’t mind proving it.”

A dare? Ha! He didn’t know who he was dealing with.

She didn’t hesitate to take the bag, open it, and pop a cat treat in her mouth. It was a little too salty, but overall not so bad. He looked nonplussed for a second before he tipped back his head and laughed. Everyone always said that Dixie had the sweetest nature this side of the Mississippi. But if there was one thing that could dissolve that sweet nature in a hurry, it was being laughed at.

No longer concerned that she didn’t have her boots on, she moved from behind the desk and held the door. “If we’re through here, Officer Hayes, I need to get back to work.”

He sobered. “Okay, Deputy Meriwether, I’m going to let your complete disregard for the sheriff’s department slide this time. After being Willaby’s deputy, you probably needed a little down time. But from now on, you better keep your beauty salon and your cat at home.”

He stepped closer and she wished she’d had her pageant heels on because she had to tip her head back to keep eye contact. “Your job is to protect and serve, and it’s a job that needs to be taken seriously. Simple might not have a lot of crime, but that doesn’t mean people can police themselves. Everyone needs to be reminded of the rules, and it’s your job to do the reminding.” His dark eyes pinned her. “Have I made myself clear?”

She nodded, but it wasn’t enough for the arrogant man.

“Have I made myself clear, Deputy Meriwether?”

“Yes,” she snapped.

“Yes, sir.”

She really wanted to tell him where he could stick his “sir.” But she knew if she did, she’d be looking for another job. He might not be her direct boss, but he was her indirect one. Texas Rangers’ jurisdiction covered the entire state. And while she had no intentions of being a deputy for much longer, she had to keep at it for at least a few more months. Or until her daddy caved. If she wanted to win with her daddy and realize her dream, she needed to give into Lincoln Hayes.

She pinned on a smile. “Yes, sir.”

His gaze lowered to her bare feet. “Let’s hope you’re better at law enforcement, Deputy Meriwether, than you are at paintin’ toes.” An annoying smile tipped up the corners of his mouth before he glanced at the computer sitting on the desk. “Now I need to take a look at Sheriff Willaby’s files. We’ve been working on a missing persons case together and I want to see his notes.”

She should’ve just grabbed Queenie and left him to it, but this man had gotten her dander up. She might have to call him sir, but she wasn’t going to completely kiss his butt.

“I’m so sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t have Sheriff Willaby’s password.” It was a bald-faced lie. Sheriff Willaby hated paperwork and had turned over most of it to Dixie as soon as she became his deputy. Something Officer Hayes would find out if he called the sheriff. Luckily, it turned out that he disliked dealing with the sheriff as much as everyone else did.

His eyes narrowed on her for a long moment before he nodded his head. “Then I guess I’ll be on my way.” He pulled on his hat. “But I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Deputy Meriwether.” He turned on a boot heel and strode out of the office.

When he was gone, Dixie mimicked him in a peevish voice. “I’ll be keeping

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