Taming a Texas Devil - Katie Lane Page 0,24


“I’m taking her home.”

“I’ll take her home.” She pointed a Smith & Wesson 9mm at him. “Now put her down.”

He sighed. Not only did he have to deal with one annoying woman, but now he had to deal with two. He set Dixie on her feet. As soon as he released her, she giggled and gave the petite woman a big hug.

“I want to be just like you when I grow up, Maisy Sweeney.”

Every muscle in Lincoln’s body tightened as he stared at the petite woman. “Maisy Sweeney? You’re Maisy Sweeney?”

“I’m getting more and more popular in this town.” The woman tipped back her cowboy hat and flashed him a cute gap-toothed grin. But it wasn’t her smile that held his attention. It was her brown eyes. Eyes that had starred in so many of his childhood nightmares. He couldn’t help the surge of hate that filled his gut. She must’ve read it because her smile quickly faded. “And you are?” she asked.

“Lincoln Hayes, Texas Ranger.” He held out his hand. “Give me the gun.”

She hesitated for only a second before she handed it over. He ejected the cartridge and was surprised to see it was loaded. He cocked an eyebrow at her and she shrugged.

“There’s no use threatening someone with a unloaded gun.”

“Is it registered?”


“Yes, sir,” Dixie piped up. “He really likes it when you call him sir.”

Maisy saluted. “Yes, sir.”

He pocketed the cartridge before handing the gun back to her. “Next time you point it at someone make sure it’s not a lawman who could toss your ass in jail. Now how many drinks have you had tonight?”

“Not as many as Dixie, but probably too many to pass a sobriety test.”

Damn. The last thing he wanted was to be stuck in a car with Sam’s daughter. But he didn’t have much of a choice. “Then I guess I’ll be taking both you ladies home tonight.”

Maisy winked at Dixie. “What you think, Dixie Leigh? You up for a threesome with this tall drink of Texas tea?”

Dixie gave him a drunken smile. “Sounds good to me.”

Chapter Seven

It had been a long time since Dixie had tied one on. In fact, she hadn’t been this drunk since going out and commiserating with all the losers of the Miss Texas pageant. After the stress of fighting with her daddy and getting through the police academy, it felt good to let loose and just have some fun.

If it happened to tick off a certain Texas Ranger, all the better.

“If you continue to scowl like that, Lincoln Hayes, you’re going to have terrible forehead wrinkles.” She reached over the console and ran two fingers along his crinkled brow. He had very hot skin. And hot everything else. Too bad he was so prickly. He caught her wrist and sent her an annoyed look before placing her arm on the console.

“Lincoln has always been a scowler,” Lucas said from the back seat, where he was sitting with Miss Gertie. “He takes things much too seriously.”

“Nothin’ wrong with being serious,” Miss Gertie said. “I was a serious child myself. I didn’t go around grinning like a damn fool unless there was something to grin about.”

“But I can make you smile, can’t I, Sweet Gert?”

“Don’t get too cocky, you Double Diamond bad boy. You ain’t all that.”

Dixie laughed. During the ride to the Lucky Lane Trailer Park to drop Maisy off, Dixie’s fear of Miss Gertie had lessened. The woman reminded her of her great-grandma Hanover, God rest her soul. Granny Hanover’s bark had always been worse than her bite. It looked like Lucas could handle Miss Gertie’s bark just fine.

“Now, Love Bucket, you know I’m the apple of your eye.”

“Phsssh! A sour apple.”

“There’s nothin’ wrong with having a little tang with your sugar. Now quit grumbling and kiss me, woman.”

Dixie was too polite to look behind her, but if the silence was any indication, Miss Gertie had complied. She glanced over at Lincoln and flashed a smile. “Aren’t they the cutest things?”

He snorted. “Real cute.”

When they got to Dixon’s Boardinghouse, Lincoln got Miss Gertie’s walker from the back while Lucas helped her out of the truck. “It’s been a wonderful night, my sweet Gert.”

“Who says it’s over?” Miss Gertie said. “I figure there’s room in my bed for two.” Dixie watched through her side window as Lucas’s jaw dropped. “Well, don’t just stand there catching flies with your mouth, you ornery rodeo rascal,” Miss Gertie continued. “Are you gonna put your boots under my bed or

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