Taming London (Warwick Dragons #1) - Milly Taiden Page 0,37

her arms and legs were, but she knew she was holding onto London just as much as he was holding onto her.

“We really need to get out of bed and do something,” she said eventually.

“We’ve already done loads today,” he argued.

“I mean productive things.”

He laughed. “Oh, I think I have been very productive. I’ve brought you breakfast in bed and delivered a few more orgasms. I think that’s more than enough.”

“But we have things to do for the benefit. I still need to confirm a few things with Johanna.”

London grunted. “You’re not going to tell her we slept together, are you?”

“What?” She sat up like a shot. “Why would I do that? I’m pretty sure she would fire me if she knew.”

“Hardly. She adores you.”

“How can you even know that?”

“Because I adore you. And you’re all kinds of adorable.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

He was mocking her, she theorized. There was no way he adored her. That was close to love, and they had only just met. The sex had been good, great even, but she didn’t have a magical vagina that would have made him fall for her so quickly. Especially not given his reputation.

She didn’t have the gifts one would need to tame London Warwick.

Her mind began to race, and she didn’t know what to latch on to.

“You’ve gone all pensive,” he whispered as he shifted their position so that they were lying face to face on their sides.

“I was thinking about my mom.” It was strictly true, but if her mother had been alive, Bethany would have called her immediately to talk through what had just happened with London. They’d been that close. A conversation with her would surely have helped her clear up what was happing.

“Oh, right.” He kissed her forehead. A few moments passed in silence. “I’m sorry about your mom. Don’t you just hate that people are always just sorry that you lost someone? When my dad was killed in that plane crash, people were coming up to me all the time, telling me that they were sorry for my loss. Being apologetic just feels weird, but there isn’t any other way to put it, is there?”

“Not quite. It’s like the English language has failed when it comes to explaining away grief. But thanks for the sentiment. It was a crazy time. Especially right after…” Her voice broke on the words. “Right after, the police were investigating me, I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t believe anyone would even think that I would harm her. Then they turned their sights on my stepfather, and I just…I felt all the fight go out of me.”

“I thought you were standing by him the entire time he was the person of interest.”

“It was more like, I was a lost little lamb who didn’t know where to go. I was living at their place during the investigation and everything. I needed to feel close to her. It was like, if I just kept on living in her house, she would waltz back in one day, and the whole nightmare would just be forgotten. It sounds sort of silly to say it out loud, but it was hard to accept that she just wouldn’t be there anymore. She won’t see me succeed in my business. She won’t see me get married, and she won’t ever be a grandmother to my kids.”

She wiped a stray tear that rolled out of the corner of her eye.

London grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. “She’ll be in your thoughts. You could even name your daughter Lilly one day.”

Bethany smiled despite herself.

She had already decided that her firstborn daughter would be named Lilly.

Lilly Warwick.

The name just popped into her head, surprising the hell out of her. She shook her head, not wanting to linger with the weirdness that was accompanied by naming her potential children with her one-night-stand’s last name.

She poked London in the ribs. “If you don’t jump into the shower, I will and steal all of the hot water.”

He dropped a kiss onto her shoulder and rolled out of bed.

“Join me?” he asked as his cock began to grow in the outline of his briefs.

“Go,” she giggled. “I need a bit of rest. This sex-craved maniac kept me up all night.”

But really, Bethany a few moments alone to compose herself.

I will not fall for London Warwick, she repeated to herself over and over again.

The sound of her own laughter echoed in her brain.

Yeah, she was fucked, and in

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