Taming Demons for Beginners (The Guild Codex Demonized #1) - Annette Marie Page 0,45

wall, and slumped to the ground, stunned. My second attacker backed away, his face a mask of horror.

The other two creeps looked around at us. “Who the hell is that guy? Where’d he come from?”

Zylas turned his glowing red eyes on them and his husky laugh rolled through the dark alley. Silence shivered between the men, then they bolted. The one Zylas had thrown scrambled after them, groaning with each pained breath.

Eyes gleaming, Zylas bounced lightly on the balls of his feet, as though warming up for a sprint, then stepped after them.

Panic gripped me and I flung myself at him. I smacked into his back, and when he didn’t stop, I grabbed him around the middle, my hands clamped over his stomach.

That he noticed. He twisted to peer at me over his shoulder.

“Stop!” I gasped. “No one can see you, remember?”

“Then I will make sure I am not seen.” His mouth curved up. “A challenge, na? Will be fun.”

“No! Just stay here. You can’t protect me if you’re chasing them.” I unwrapped my arms from his bare stomach. He needed clothes with better coverage.

His tail flicked. “She has seen me. I can kill her.”

I jerked around.

Amalia was pressed against the wall, her face white and mouth gaping in a horrified O. When we looked at her, she sidled away from us.

“Uh,” I squeaked. “I—I can explain—”

“You’re a contractor?” she whispered in disbelief. “You said you didn’t know anything about Demonica …”

Zylas canted his head. “I should kill her, yes?”


“The demon is talking,” Amalia added, her voice faint. Her legs gave out and she sat heavily on the dirty pavement. “Contracted demons can’t speak. They give up their voices when they give up their autonomy.”

Zylas’s fingers curled, his claws extending past his fingertips. I grabbed his arm and clutched it to my chest. He probably wouldn’t hurt me but Amalia was in danger.

“Zylas,” I said shrilly, “you can’t kill her!”

“It will be easy.”

“I mean you shouldn’t kill her! She’s—she’s my cousin. My family.” I tightened my hold on his arm, knowing it wouldn’t stop him. “I need her help to survive this.”

Tail lashing in annoyance, he relaxed his hands. His claws retracted.

Amalia stared at us without blinking. “You said you weren’t a summoner and I believed you. I believed you!” Anger burned through her shock and she pushed to her feet, speaking right over my weak protest. “You did come to steal Dad’s demon names, didn’t you? You wanted the glory of a new lineage for—”

She broke off, her eyes widening in sudden realization.

“No way!” she burst out furiously, pointing at Zylas. “That’s Dad’s demon, isn’t it? That’s the hidden one from the library!”

“Wait, Amalia,” I pleaded. “You don’t understand—”

“How did you even—no, I don’t want to know.” She shoved away from the wall. “Your ‘sweet, naïve girl’ act is good, Robin, but you should’ve put more effort into your summoning apprenticeship instead. That demon is going to kill you.”


“Forget it, Robin.” Venom coated her voice. “I’m done. I never should’ve believed you.”

Slinging her backpack over her shoulder, she took a step toward the street, realized she’d have to pass Zylas, then spun and marched deeper into the alley. I watched her go, my heart racing faster and faster.

Zylas pulled his arm from my weak hold. “Now should I kill her?”

“No,” I gasped. “Don’t—don’t touch her. She—she’s—she’s my—”

I broke off, panting desperately, and wrapped my arms around myself. Panic built in my head. I couldn’t take a proper breath.

I was alone in a reeking alley in the middle of the night. I didn’t know where I was. I had nowhere to go. Amalia had left and I was all alone. What was I supposed to do? All I had was my suitcase, cellphone, and a demon who wanted to kill everyone nearby.

Tears streamed down my face and I sank into a crouch, holding myself and fighting to breathe. I couldn’t do this alone. I needed help—but there was no one. Amalia had left. My parents had died. Any other mythic I turned to would report me to the MPD—assuming Zylas didn’t kill them first. I couldn’t go near anyone, not with Zylas. Anyone I exposed him to would be in danger.

A shadow blocked the streetlight. Zylas crouched beside me. “What are you doing?”

I shook my head, gasping and crying and losing my mind with panic.

He prodded my shoulder. I tried to pull myself together, but I was caught in a spiral that was dragging me deeper and deeper. Every time

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