Tame his Beast - Claire C. Riley Page 0,16

growled, the pain in my head taunting me louder than the pain on my flesh ever could.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry, I was trying to be gentle,” she stammered, her hand paused above my chest. Water droplets dripped from the sponge onto me before sliding down my sides.

“No, I’m not fucking okay. You ever had your flesh peeled back from your bones? Ever smelt your own skin melting?”

She shook her head, her big eyes watching me warily.

“Then what’s the fucking point in asking me if I’m okay? No, I’m not okay. But that don’t change shit, does it?”

I felt angry. So fucking angry. My muscles itched to break something. To hit and smash and destroy something beautiful so it was ugly like me.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her hand on mine. “I didn’t mean to be insensitive.”

Insensitive? Fuck me, this bitch had no idea what she was talking about. I started to laugh, and even to my ears I didn’t recognize the sound coming from me. It was almost inhuman in its bitter suffering.

“You’re sorry? You’re fucking sorry?” I shouted, and she stepped back from me, her hand leaving mine. “Yeah, that’s right, get the fuck away from the animal before he kills you.”

“I…” She looked panicked, her chest rising and falling, making her tits push up to the top of her shitty nurse’s dress. The sight should have pleased me, but all it did was anger me.

“I…I…I,” I mocked, and laughed again. “Shut your mouth and do your job.”

She nodded and blinked before coming closer to me, and for the first time I noticed her perfume. The scent filled my lungs, reminding me of sex and women, and at another time it would have made my dick hard as nails, but now there was just nothing.

“You wanna do something to make me feel better?” I growled.

“Yes, of course,” she said immediately, her frown turning to a smile at the thought of helping me.


“Yes, that’s what I’m paid for. To help get you better and keep you out of pain,” she whispered, her words getting quieter the more she spoke, like she knew she was walking into a lion’s den.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward so she was closer to me. “You wanna make me feel better, then suck it,” I said, dragging the sheet away from my flaccid cock. “That’ll make me feel much better, darlin’,” I sneered.

I grabbed my cock and started to pump it, all the while she stared at me wide-eyed, her mouth hanging open in shock. Tears filled her eyes and she shook her head, finally blinking and closing her mouth like someone had just pressed play.

“You’re disgusting,” she said, blinking away the tears that filled her eyes. “I’m just trying to help you.”

I reached out, ignoring the pain, and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her face to mine so we were almost nose to nose. “And I told you how you can help me, Belle. You wanna make me feel better, then get on with it.”

I expected more tears. More trembling. More rosy cheeks. And maybe, just maybe, for her to relent and actually suck me off. A pity suck, if you will. But instead she shoved my arm away, my grip falling from her neck, and she reached out and slapped me hard across my already beaten-up face, shocking the shit out of me—and, by the look on her face, her too.

Her hand flew to her mouth and she blinked in surprise.

I stared back, feeling the angry burn of her handprint on my cheek.

Wasn’t sure who was going to give in first and break the silence, her or me. And fuck me, I wasn’t sure what I could say to her that wasn’t threatening her with her immediate death.

Belle stepped back, her gaze moving up and down my broken body, over my flaccid cock, and back up to my scarred-as-shit, bandaged-up face, before reaching out and pulling the sheet back over my still soft cock and then picking up her sponge.

I didn’t tell her that the water had cooled too much when she picked up her sponge and began cleaning me again, and I didn’t complain when she put cream over my scars and the pain made my head spin and I felt like I was going to pass out.

I didn’t say another word until she’d done her job and tidied everything back away, and she cleared her throat to get my attention.

“What?” I snapped, my eyes narrowed and my

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