Tame his Beast - Claire C. Riley Page 0,14

door shut.

I pressed my back against it, waiting for the thumping of fists on the cheap metal, but nothing came. My heart was slamming in my chest and fear was coursing through me, but I couldn’t help but smile regardless.

I waited to see if they’d bang on the door and demand that I come in today. Order me back to work, because they could basically do whatever they wanted and clearly no one had any real say in it. But the sound of motorcycles starting up cut into my anxious thoughts and I listened as they drove away, wondering what the hell I’d just gotten myself into.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be enjoyable and I couldn’t get out of it now. Yet no matter how stupid an idea I thought this might be, I couldn’t help but be excited of the prospect of doing this.

Adventure awaits for those who answer its call, right? And caring for Beast was definitely going to be an adventure.

Chapter Six

~ Beast ~

Day had been long as hell and twice as boring. With my evil nurse not coming in to give me my bed bath and medicine, and my new nurse not turning up, I’d only had Max—our latest prospect—and my revenge plot against the motherfuckers who put me here to keep me company. I was not in a good enough mood when Belle decided to grace me with her presence.

The door creaked open and I glared at her as she came in acting like she had no care in the world and wasn’t afraid of me. But I knew better.

“Took your time,” I snapped as she wheeled the cart over to the side of the bed. She didn’t rise to the bait and instead smiled like I’d just given her a compliment.

My jaw ticked in annoyance as I watched her sort through all the items on the table to make sure she had everything. I knew what was coming next. I knew it was going to hurt and I knew that she had no fucks to give about that. My hands clenched into fists at my sides.

The door opened again and the prospect came in, all smiles and cocky strut as he came toward us, eyes on Belle’s ass as she bent down for something on the bottom of the cart. He threw me a grin and I gave him the finger.

Belle straightened back up, her cheeks going rosy and pink as she caught the exchange between me and the prospect.

“Umm, did you have your pain meds?” she asked, putting down the bottle of cream and going to the end of the bed.

“Did you fucking give them to me?” I bit out, making her blush harder. Bitch had no idea what she was doing. Hands shaking, cream before washing…she was already fucking this up and I was already looking forward to yelling at her and making her feel like shit for her incompetence.

“Sorry, no, I umm,” she stammered, her hazel eyes moving between the board in her hand and me like she couldn’t hold my stare. “I’ll get them now and then I’ll come back to do the bath and such after I’ve done my morning rounds.”

“Fuck it,” I growled, wanting to get this shit over with. “Prospect, gimme a hit so we can get this done.”

“Be my pleasure, brother,” he said, coming forward.

Belle jumped straight into action like I knew she would. Her eyes went wide like saucers and she came between him and the bed, her back to me.

“No, he can’t have that stuff, it’s messing with his real meds,” she stammered again, trying to be forceful.

“Get the fuck out of the way,” I growled.

I expected her to move the fuck out of my way like I’d told her to, but instead she turned to face me, her eyes still wide but her mouth set in a hard line. Wild curls were pinned back from her face, but one had come loose and was angled in front of one of her eyes. Wanted to reach up and brush it away, but I didn’t.

“No, sir, no I will not. That stuff will kill you, and I’m here to keep you alive, so no, you will not be having that today.” She nodded, looking mighty pleased with herself.

The prospect smirked over her shoulder and I glared hard enough that she should have pissed herself. She shook her head at me, her mouth still tight.

I let my gaze move up and down her. That

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