Tall, Duke, and Dangerous (Hazards of Dukes #2) - Megan Frampton Page 0,76

of herself. Or him hiding himself from her.

She would not do that for anyone. Or accept it from anyone either.

“There you are!”

Ana Maria turned at the sound of Ivy’s voice, her face breaking out into a smile as she rushed to gather her sister-in-law into a hug.

“You’re here with Sebastian?”

Ivy nodded. She wore a dark blue color that Ana Maria thought did not quite suit her, and she wondered if she could persuade her sister-in-law to take a risk with some brighter colors.

Likely she could, since Ivy was all about taking risks, from opening her own gambling house to marrying Ana Maria’s half brother.

Ivy pulled herself back from the embrace, her expression solemn. “I wanted to find you to apologize.”

“For what?” Ana Maria snorted. “Unless you’re sorry you married Sebastian, in which case you are not forgiven.” She accompanied her words with a grin.

Ivy looked regretful. “I might have told Sebastian what Octavia told me. About you and Nash.”

Ana Maria’s chest squeezed. “Ah. So—what did you tell Sebastian, exactly?”

Ivy bit her lip before speaking. “That you two were spending more time together than you had before, and that there are rumors that he has to get married for some reason. I did mention the betting book, though, which has Lady Felicity running ahead of you with much slimmer odds.”

“Oh.” That was why Sebastian had demanded Nash speak with him and Thaddeus. But why were they even upset about it? Didn’t they trust her to make her own choices?

Obviously not, since they were currently in a room alone with Nash telling him— “Do you know what Sebastian thinks about it all? I mean, is he for or against?”

“For or against?” Ivy’s eyebrows rose. “You know, I’m not certain. He just kept muttering about how you were his sister, and you deserved to have everything you deserve.”

“But not what I choose, apparently.”

Ana Maria nodded to Ivy as she began to walk out of the room. “If you will excuse me? I have some relatives to yell at.”

“Excellent!” Ivy exclaimed, patting Ana Maria on the shoulder as she strode past.

She flung the doors open and stepped inside, meeting her brother’s and her cousin’s shocked looks with her own angry one.

Nash wasn’t there, and she felt a pang of regret he wouldn’t see how she was defending herself, since that was the whole point of his lessons.

Though she didn’t think she’d go so far as to punch anyone. Yet.

“What did you say?” she demanded, glancing from one to the other.

They both looked guilty.

“Say?” Sebastian said.

Ana Maria rolled her eyes. “Thaddeus, why did you need to call Nash in here? I believe it has something to do with me?” She folded her arms over her chest. “In which case, perhaps you should address whatever it is with me?”

“It’s something we needed to talk to with Nash,” Thaddeus sputtered. He made a vague gesture that only served to infuriate Ana Maria more. “It is our responsibility to ensure your safety, and so—”

“For or against?” Ana Maria said, tapping her toe.

They both blinked. “For or against what?” Sebastian asked.

“Do you want me to marry Nash, or were you warning him against me?”

“We’d never warn him against you,” Sebastian said, approaching her with a tentative air. Good. She didn’t necessarily trust herself not to pop him in the jaw.

And now she had much more sympathy toward Nash and his tendencies, since she could see why someone’s actions could lead to violence.

“What did you do?”

Thaddeus rose from his chair, folding his arms behind his back as though he was standing at attention. “We merely told him we were concerned that your other suitors be given a proper chance.”

“A proper chance?” Her voice squeaked, and now she was annoyed at herself as well. “It’s not a question of fairness, you two. It’s a question of how I choose to spend my time. And Nash is my friend, and I like spending time with my friends.” She gave them each a disdainful look. “Unlike wanting to spend time with my relations.”

“But Nash isn’t—he’s not—” Sebastian began.

“I know who he is.” Even though he hasn’t trusted me with all of him. “And more importantly, you know who I am. Don’t you trust me enough to make my own decisions? Why are you discussing me without me in the room?” And just like that, her emotions erupted into full-blown anger.

Which normally would have been a cause of personal distress, but now was a moment for exultation—feeling so passionately meant she felt completely, and

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