Talking Dirty with the CEO - By Jackie Ashenden Page 0,37

I grew up with it.” He leaned over to peer inside the computer box. “This is incredible. You’re rebuilding it?”

Christie leaned her hip against the table, feeling oddly shy. She’d gotten into fiddling with electronics after she’d discovered her brother’s forgotten crystal set. Her mother had disapproved of her interest, naturally enough. In her opinion, teenage girls should be into clothes and makeup, not wires and circuits. But for Christie it had been like finally finding the thing she was really good at. That and writing.

“Um…yeah, I am,” she admitted, biting her lip.

Long, clever fingers touched some of the wires.

“Be careful,” she said automatically.

He gave a soft laugh. “It’s okay. I know what I’m doing, believe me.” His eyes glinted as he glanced up at her. “When I was a kid, I pulled dad’s computer apart because I wanted to see how it worked. Admittedly that was before I knew how to put it back together again. My mother…” He stopped suddenly. Looked away.

“Your mother?” she prompted, looking down at him.

Black lashes feathered his cheekbones, his attention on the computer. “Was angry with me,” he said after a moment. “I could never sit still, always had to be doing something. I once took apart her washing machine because I wanted to see where all the water went. She was not happy.”

“I can imagine. Mothers, huh?”

“So, what’s the deal with vintage computers then?”

Christie stared at him. That had been a very definite change of subject. Was there something about his mother he didn’t like talking about? If so, she could relate. Boy, could she relate.

“I just like messing around with electronics,” she said, too unsure of him to push it. “And my dad had an Arkon, too, and I used to spend hours playing Time Thief. I thought it would be cool to get one going again.”

Joseph straightened, the look on his face bright with interest and curiosity. He looked like an excited boy. “Please tell me you’ve got the rubber keyboard that used to come with them?”

His grin was so infectious she just had to grin back. “Oh yeah. And remember the tape deck? Instead of a disk drive?”

“My God, yes.” He pulled out one of the dining chairs. “Come on, show me,” he said imperiously. “I want to know where you’re at.”

Christie didn’t know quite how it happened but the next time she looked up, a whole hour had passed. A whole hour spent playing with computer parts, reminiscing about old computer games and arguing happily about the advances in gaming technology.

So much for her thinking he wouldn’t be interested.

She should have been pleased about it but she wasn’t. She was anxious.

She didn’t know all of a sudden. A few days ago the thought of him wanting a night with her seemed like the biggest thrill ever. But now it was like that wasn’t enough. It was like she wanted more, which was dumb because she’d been telling herself all week that she didn’t.

Why? What had changed between them?

Christie turned her head, watching his face as he looked down at the piece of circuitry in his hands, his brows drawn down in intense concentration. One leg jogged constantly and yet his hands were still, handling the delicate electronics with care. The strange mix of movement and stillness, impatience and care, made her heart give an odd sort of lurch.

And she knew what had changed. She liked him. Liked being with him. Liked his interest and enthusiasm in something that interested and excited her. It made her feel good in a way she hadn’t in a long time.

“Do you really want to be here?” The words popped out before she could stop herself.

Joseph’s head jerked up in surprise. “What?”

“Do you really want to be here? You know, fiddling around with bits of crappy electronics and talking about gaming?”

He stared at her for a long moment. Then he put down the circuit board he was holding and leaned his elbow on the table. “Yes, of course I want to be here fiddling with bits of crappy electronics and talking about gaming.”

“But it’s not what you came for, is it?”

“What do you mean?”

“You came here for sex, not this.” She gestured toward the table strewn with wires and screws and all sorts of other paraphernalia.

“Christie, I came here because I wanted to see you. If you don’t want sex, that’s fine. I’m happy sitting here talking to you. And that’s the truth.”

Her throat felt tight. “Oh. Well…great.”

“Hey, what’s up?” He searched her Copyright 2016 - 2024