Talking Dirty with the CEO - By Jackie Ashenden Page 0,13

just have chemistry, they had the whole bloody science curriculum.

“Oh, I’m s-sorry,” she began. “I should never have done—”

But Joseph didn’t care what she should never have done. He only had one thought in his head: he had to kiss her again. Unable to stop himself, he took her face between his hands and covered her mouth with his. She shuddered, a small, shocked sound escaping from her.

Champagne. She tasted like champagne. And she was delicious.

He kissed her harder, deeper, exploring the heat of her mouth. She gave a soft groan, melting into him, her hands on his chest, responding to his kiss with the kind of abandon reserved only for lovers, not strangers who’d only just met. It took his breath away. The scent of her flooded his senses, lavender and underlying that, a sensual musky smell that made him think of arousal, of sex.

Helpless desire grabbed him by the throat. His hands found her hips, tugging her tall, slender body hard against him. The feel of her was incredible. So warm.

She sighed, her arms around his neck as though she never intended to let him go, beginning to kiss him back uncertainly, as if she didn’t know quite what she was doing.

It was the hottest thing he’d ever experienced.

The kiss began to burn out of control and it was only when he felt something soft against his hands that he realized he’d pulled her hair out of her bun and that it was coming down, raw silk against his skin. He pushed his fingers into the softness of it, gripping tightly as he slid a hand up from her hip, cupping one small, round breast. Then he circled her nipple with his thumb, feeling it harden beneath the stretchy fabric of her dress.

She gasped, arching into his hand, slender body shivering against his. So he did it again, circling then brushing over the hardened point with the pad of his thumb as he kissed her.

“J-Joseph,” she murmured against his mouth. “That feels…oh…”

“Good?” He eased her back against the vanity, pressing the aching hardness of his groin against the softness of hers.

“Yes….so good…” Her hands moved against his chest, curling into the fabric of his T-shirt. “I want…I want…more…”

He didn’t need to be asked twice. Sliding his arms around her, his hands found the soft, warm skin of her bare back, stroking the length of her spine. Then he found the tie of her halter dress at the nape of her neck and tugged it loose. He eased the fabric away, baring her to the waist. She inhaled sharply.

Even the harsh lighting of the bathroom couldn’t mar the beauty of her. Her breasts small and perfect. Her skin like alabaster.

He bent to kiss her throat, cupping one bare breast in his hand, her skin hot against his palm. Moving down farther to flick his tongue over her hard pink nipple, taking it into his mouth and sucking hard.

She arched her body up, her fingers pushing into his hair. “Oh please…that’s…yes…”

It wasn’t just her mouth that tasted delectable. Her skin did, too. Sweet and salty at the same time. And the sounds she made… God, he was so hard he could barely think.

Her fingers tightened in his hair as he swirled his tongue around her nipple and she shuddered, panting. Her hips shifted, pressing against his aching groin and his mind just about blanked.

Christ, he wasn’t even going to make it to his bedroom at this rate.

Releasing her nipple from his mouth, Joseph ignored her moan of protest as he raised his head. “I want you,” he murmured roughly. “Here. Now. Right now. “

Her eyes were glazed, her face flushed. She nodded. Then took a fistful of his T-shirt, pulling him back to her.

Thank God.

After lifting her up onto the edge of the vanity, Joseph pushed up her short black dress, hooked his fingers into the waistband of her underwear, and slowly eased them down her legs and off. Then he slid his palms up smooth bare skin. She shivered as he slipped a hand between her thighs, his fingers finding the soft, wet folds of her sex.

“Joseph…” she murmured, his name becoming a husky, sensual sound as she spread her knees for him.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was leaning back, her half-naked body in a graceful arch, lashes almost closed, her beautiful mouth open as he stroked her, passion and pleasure lighting her up, burning inside her like a torch.

Beautiful. She was so goddamn beautiful.


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