Tales of Darkness & Sin - Pepper Winters Page 0,73

taste her. Melody whines but can’t speak. I glance at her green eyes expecting tears, but instead, they burn with intensity, darting to my right. Before I can interpret what she’s trying to convey, she stomps on the guy’s foot. His hold on her mouth slips, and she screams.

“Saint! The bathroom!”

Swinging my arm around, I squeeze the trigger as a man charges for me. The bullet tears through the side of his face, making him howl in pain as he stumbles to his knees. I squeeze another bullet out, this time well-aimed. It pops him in the forehead, ending his wailing.

“Fuck,” the guy holding Melody hisses.

I swivel back around, ready to end this motherfucker. He drags his knife down the side of her neck and then shoves her at me. A gasp rips from her as she collapses in my arms. I cling to her and fire off another bullet, this one blowing out her assailant’s kneecap. He screams as he crashes to the floor in the doorway.

Since he can’t go far with an exploded kneecap, I take a second to check on my pretty prize. I ease her to the floor and then brush her hair away to inspect the bloody mess that is her neck.

Pale green eyes stare at me, unafraid. Brave. Fucking beautiful.

I berate myself for the last thought, but it lingers, nonetheless.

“Tesoro,” I murmur, checking her wound. “Are you in pain?”

“It’s not deep,” she rasps out, her face growing pale and her lashes fluttering. “Did you catch him?”

“I’ve caught the rat.” I rest her to the floor gently before rising to my feet. “Stay put, little one.”

Walking over to the asshole who’s still crying like a little bitch, I unload another round into him, this one taking out his other knee. He screams like a prissy girl, which only serves to annoy the fuck out of me. I pistol whip him to quiet him while I take care of Melody.

“Everything okay, Boss?” Roscoe calls from downstairs.

“Fantastic,” I grind out. “I want the live one down in the basement waiting for me.”

Roscoe appears, takes in the scene and frowns. “Is she…”

“Still living. Superficial. I’m going to fix her up and then I’m going to deal with that asshole downstairs.”

While he deals with the unconscious fuck bleeding out all over my floor, I stalk into the bathroom and hunt down my first aid kit. I wet a cloth and then carry my supplies back to the girl on the floor.

“You saved me,” she says, a smile tugging at those plump lips that looked lovely wrapped around my dick.

“I believe you saved me first.”

She’s quiet as I clean the cut. Rather than stitching her up, I use the medical glue and run a strip along her wound. A small hiss of pain escapes her when I pinch the area closed. Gently, and with my eyes on hers, I blow on the glue as I will it to dry.

“I didn’t want to go with him,” she murmurs.

“He was one of your father’s men.”

She frowns, a crease forming between her brows. “I don’t want to go with him either.”

Her words please me, though I don’t reveal that to her. Melody, despite being related to that piece of shit, is the perfect plaything. Just enough ferocity to make her desirable and interesting, but young and innocent enough she can be subdued into submission.

“I still need to punish you for what you did,” I murmur, my dick hard as stone in my slacks. “Don’t you agree?” I lift a brow as I remove my fingers from her neck and drag them between her tits that quiver with each breath she takes.

“I thought saving you would cancel it out,” she says, her bottom lip pouting out. “A good deed erases a bad one.”

I laugh, the sound dark and menacing. “You’ve much to learn, Tesoro. That’s not at all how it works. With me, you take the punishment you earned, and then you’ll also be gifted with the reward.”

Her cheeks blush a pretty rose. “How will you reward me?”

“With my tongue.”

I’m pleased when the blush turns crimson and spreads like a red haze down her neck to her chest.

“How will you punish me?” Her green eyes flicker with something dark and eager. “With your belt?”

“You want me to whip your pretty ass?”

She shrugs and then winces because of her injury. “Seems the least painful. Less messy than your other punishments.”

Like what the knee-less bastard will face when I’m done with this girl.

“Maybe I should combine

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