Tales of Darkness & Sin - Pepper Winters Page 0,200

from school, who’d taken my virginity, Patrick, my ex-friend’s brother, and a few years ago, Cameron from my drama class. I had no scale to judge, but neither man had rocked my world, nor shown me the supposed bliss of carnal joining.

“I take it from your lack of response that you’re either too polite to complain about past lovers or don’t have the necessary experience in which to judge.”

“Stop doing that.” I moved out of his reach, unnerved by his ability to read me so well.

He cocked his head. “I’m right, though.” One stride and he caught me again. His hands landed on my hips, holding me firm. “I promise you, you won’t be disappointed.”

I couldn’t control my racing heart. “Again, so cocky. How can you be so sure? How can you be so sure I’m not going to be a huge disappointment to you?” I hated to admit it, but there was no doubt in my mind he’d had more conquests than me and more of a scale in which to judge.

His eyes narrowed, filling with sapphire sex. “I know because I haven’t wanted a woman as badly as this before. It’s all a matter of chemistry, not skill.”

“We have chemistry?” Is that what the spitting electricity arching between us was?

“Hold up your hand,” he ordered.

Biting my lip, I obeyed. My breathing was shallow as he raised his, placing his palm a centimetre from touching mine. Our hands hovered together, so close but apart. His fingers were so much longer, the span of his palm made me look positively doll-like.

I shuddered.

Something fierce and undisputed jolted from his non-existence touch to mine. It spooled through my blood like a comet, exploding into blistering shards in my core.

His chest rose and fell as his breathing lost its composure, matching mine for shallowness. “See, Lace? Chemistry.” He swayed toward me, bringing more of the intensity until even my pinkie toes ached for more. “It’s rare—true chemistry. That’s why I couldn’t let you walk away without fucking you—without indulging in something we might never find again.”

My mind tripped. Was he talking about lust or love at first sight?

Don’t be ridiculous.

He wasn’t talking about love. He’d already warned me that this would be a one-night deal. He didn’t do relationships, and well, neither did I. I would be leaving forever in forty-eight hours. He didn't factor into my new world.

My brain scrambled as I dropped my suddenly extremely warm and heavy hand. “My name isn’t Lace. Don’t you think we should introduce ourselves before we…”

He chuckled. The sound was positively decadent with intoxication and brutality. “I haven’t finished laying out your choices, but fine…” Tilting his hand, so it changed from chemistry deliverer to handshake introduction, he said, “Pleasure to meet you…” His eyebrow rose, waiting for me to give up another part of myself.

The peace offering hung between us, slightly awkward, completely sexual. My body hummed from being so close.

I was tempted to lie—to give him my character’s name—Lucy Larson.

But only the truth was welcome in this strange connection. Only truth.

Slowly, I placed my hand in his. The intensity of touching him sent another full body flush through my system. I bit my lip as his fingers wrapped smoothly, imprisoning me completely. “My name is Saffron Duncan. And it’s a pleasure to meet you…”

His eyes smouldered. “Cas. Cas Smith.” His cocky smile dropped as he sucked in a ragged breath. “I woke up to that fucking smoke alarm thinking I’d sue for lack of sleep, but now I want to write the hotel a thank-you note for planting you in my path.” His voice dropped a decibel, whispering around my nipples. “You’re like every wet dream I’ve ever had.”

I tugged my hand in shock. There was no appropriate response to that.

Rushing for a topic, I said, “You mentioned before you had two names…why?”

His fingers twitched. If I wasn’t so in tune and throbbingly aware of his every motion, I would’ve missed the flash of wariness on his face. “The why is purely a professional hazard. The second name is Ghost.”

“Ghost? Like the movie?”

He grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “No…like Casper the Friendly Ghost. They got it wrong on both accounts. I’m neither friendly, nor dead.”

My eyes widened. “So your full name is Casper?”

He sighed, the openness in his blue eyes fading faster and faster. “No. It’s not.” His shoulders straightened as he gritted his teeth. “Back to the choices. However, I’ve just made the choice for you, so it’s really more

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