Taking What's Necessary (Forced Submission #9) - Alexa Riley Page 0,6

eyes lower in disappointment, but I lean down and whisper like we’re sharing a secret, “But you’re such a good patient, and I think we can bend the rules just this once. Okay?”

“Okay.” She smiles up at me, and I pinch her nipple, praising her.

Removing my finger from inside of her, I walk over to the counter and look down at her chart. I feel her eyes on me as I open it and scan down the page. “Dr. Sweet has it here that you’re on birth control?”

I look over, and she nods, biting her lip. “Irregular periods.”

“I’m sure that’s a good excuse,” I tease, putting her chart down and walking back to the table. “But you know a lot of girls say that so they can have a little fun.” Her knees widen as I move between them. “It’s okay, you don’t have to explain it to me.”

Reaching for my belt, I begin to loosen the buckle.

“What are you doing?” Her eyes widen as I take off my belt and place it on the counter beside me.

I look at her in confusion as I move between her legs and open the front of my slacks. “I’m doing what we agreed on. I’m going to break your hymen.”

“With what?” She looks down to where my hands have dipped inside my pants.

“Penny, this is a mature situation, and I’d appreciate you being professional.” I smile as I push my boxer briefs down and my cock springs out between us. I’m rock solid, and the tip is swollen and red with need. “I’m able to use my cock to penetrate you gently so that you stretch with the least amount of pain as possible. Hold still and we’ll begin.”

“Wait, you’re going to have sex with me?” She tries to sit up, and I place my hand on her mound with my thumb over her clit. Just a little pressure on her in the right spot and she stops moving.

“No, Penny. I’m going to perform a procedure with my cock that will tear your hymen while giving you a release. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less.”

As I rub her clit and her pleasure comes back, she rolls her hips forward, seeing that sweet release she was denied with my mouth.

“Okay,” she says and then nods for me to continue.

Chapter Six

Dr. Maverick

My hand tightens around the base of my cock as I press into her opening. She’s so tight that it pinches the tip. I hiss as it squeezes me, and I push her knees up. “Rise up just a little, yes, that’s it. Good girl.” I lick my lips, still tasting her pussy, and my cock throbs. “In this position it should be a gentle glide and the least painful.”

“It feels full,” she says as her breath catches.

“You’ll feel lots of pressure, but it’s important to bear down and let me enter.” I jack my cock a few times to ease the ache building in my sac. “I’ll give you your release when I’m fully seated. All right?”

“O-okay.” She holds her knees in place as I begin to sink in.

Slowly my cock glides into her, just a little at a time. Her pussy is so tight that I can feel every ripple of her hymen as it tries to stretch to my size but fails under pressure. There’s no stopping my entrance as she hisses and closes her eyes tightly.

“There, there. It’s almost over,” I encourage, petting her clit. “That’s it, focus on this.”

Before she has time to adjust, I pull out and slide back in. I want to ride her a few times so that I’m sure the job is done well. Pulling out again, I look down to where we’re joining, and smile.

“You’re almost there.”

My cock is so thick I’m surprised it even fits as I slowly pull out and thrust slowly into her. I watch each vein on my cock throb as I enter her, and then I pull out until just the tip remains. It’s a beautiful rhythm, breaking her in, and I’m enjoying every second of it.

“How much longer, Doctor?” Her eyes are hooded, and she’s sweaty with need.

“Just a little more. Remember to bear down. That’s it, good girl, Penny.”

She pushes against me, and I’m able to go deeper, deeper, deeper. Each stroke gets her closer to climax, and just when she’s there, I stop.

“Since you’re on birth control, I’m going to cum inside you.”

Her breath catches, and she looks between us and then back to me

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