For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,96

that was.

He seemed to remember that fact his hand moved on, slipping past my waist to my thigh, then over my ass in a very thorough caress. With a growl from deep in his throat, he plunged his tongue in deep and moved that hand to catch the hem of my nightshirt.

Oh god, yes. Take command, my general. I whimpered against his lips and the pressure of his kiss intensified, his tongue tasting me deeply. It reminded me of the things he’d done to me the night on his piano with that very talented tongue. The memory of that brought a warm gush of arousal at the juncture of my thighs. If he pushed me on my back this moment and climbed on top, I’d be ready for him without a second’s further preparation.

I was so ready for sex. For him, especially.

It was high time we made this marriage a real one. At least this one part of it, anyway. His hand traveled up my thigh with certain determination. Meanwhile, I decided he deserved a studied counterattack. My hand dropped from his hair to travel determinedly across his chest, his flat, hard stomach to rest on the object of my never-ending curiosity.

I’d rarely felt as much satisfaction as I did when Lucas quickly sucked in a sharp gulp of air in response to my touch. I gripped him through the thin cotton bottoms of his pjs finally becoming acquainted, after over six months of marriage, with my husband’s large cock.

And holy shit, I was not disappointed.

He was long and girthy and fully rigid. More gratification bloomed, warming in the fact that my body, my kisses and my touch had evoked this response in him. Yeah, he’d gotten me wet in seconds, but I’d made him granite-hard in just as short a time.

Aside from a slight pause when I’d initially touched him, he hadn’t stopped on his mission. He slid his hand up my leg, under my night shirt until it rested on my hip. Skin on skin, blistering heat mingled with sticky sweat. I arched my back again, pressing my breasts against his hard chest. If I didn’t get release soon, I might explode from the pressure building inside me. Everywhere—behind my nipples, deep in my belly, knotting tightly in my core. The entirety of it screamed for release.

Fuck it. I wanted skin under my palms, too. My hand slipped into the waist of his pajamas, eased into his boxers and claimed my prize immediately. His hips jutted forward slightly, one leg pushing between mine, his hip overlapping mine slightly as he pressed me onto my back. I didn’t let go of him. Instead, my hand slid up and down that soft skin, fingers exploring the rigid, smooth geography of his member.

The size of him excited me, I wasn’t going to lie. I’d suspected he might be packing a substantial weapon but had no way of knowing until now. And yeah, they said that size didn’t matter and yadda yadda yadda. But damn, this was… impressive. It was always the quiet, curmudgeonly ones who seemed full of the biggest surprises. And Lucas’s surprise was indeed huge and the better for exploring.

His breathing was quick and hot, his heartbeat under my lips, where they rested on his throat, felt like it might burst through his veins. It seemed as if, for a moment, the general was going to cede his command to me.

But that was only for a moment.

Then his hand slid to rest between my thighs, his mouth dropped to suck my nipple through the nightie and he was in control again. My back arched again under these newer, more intense stimuli, then I tore at the elastic on my neckline, pulling down the material to bare my chest to him. With a gruff groan, he held the front of my shirt down and devoured my nipple, sucking it ferociously into his mouth.

In his excitement, however, he had rolled onto me, inhibiting my ability to keep my grip on him, which was frustrating. With my free hand, I shoved against his shoulder, forcing him back onto his side so I could continue my exploration.

I wasn’t going to let this be another one-sided experience again.

Our mouths were finding each other again, over and over in hot, wet, tongue-assisted kisses between cheeks and neck and eyelids and collarbone kisses. We were leaving no ground between us uncovered.

It was a veritable war zone, complete with tiny explosions of pleasure. His fingers were slipping Copyright 2016 - 2024