For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,75

hanging from his pockets and biker boots.

The other guy looked boyish and fresh-faced enough. Still not the greatest dresser in low riding jeans and a well-worn t-shirt but he popped out of his chair to approach me with a smile.

“Hey bro. You have a cool dog! I’m a big dog lover.” Max turned back to the guy, and he obliged the dog with more head scratches. So far the stranger had one new best friend here, at least.

I set down the pile of mail, my eye catching on the top piece. The envelope was another one of those law office letters addressed to Katya.

Then I turned back to the visitor. “Do I—know you? Or are you here passing out religious tracts? Because… no thanks.”

The boyish-faced man threw his head back and laughed like I’d just said the funniest thing he’d ever heard. Perhaps he’d thought I was joking.

“I’m Derek.” He lifted his hand from scratching Max’s head to hold it out to shake mine. “You must be Luke, eh? Pleased to meet you.” He grinned, showing off a dimple as if he knew it was there and was his best feature.

I frowned but took his hand regardless, because manners and all. There was something familiar about his bright blue eyes…

“Lucas,” I corrected, tersely. Derek? Derek who? I didn’t know a Derek.

He hesitated, then his eyes widened. “Oh, sorry.” And there it was. The Canadian accent on that one word was unmistakable. “I guess Kat never talks about me? I’m your brother-in-law, Derek Ellis.”

“Ah, yeah.” I frowned, confused as to why Katya hadn’t warned me about her brother showing up. Maybe that’s what she’d been trying to talk to me about at lunch today when I’d brushed her off. “Sorry, it’s been a long day, and I didn’t put it together. Katya’s actually told me a lot about you.” It could be the truth, if by a lot I meant “nothing at all.”

My eyes went to Michaela who definitely looked like she wanted to take off. “Thanks for letting the dog out.”

“Anytime,” She sprung from her seat and grabbed her bag, heading to the front door. “Thanks, as always, for the practice time.”

Michaela opened the front door but was blocked from leaving by Kat, who had her keys out as if to unlock it. Before she could say anything to Michaela or me, her eyes landed on her brother.

A dark scowl clouded her face, and she stepped past Michaela without a word. My friend promptly fled, obviously reading the room and getting the hell out. I half wished I was leaving with her. Derek’s dirtbag buddy on the couch had said nothing but perked up when Kat entered. Her eyes bulged almost comically at them both.

“What are you doing here?” she snarled at her brother.

His dark brows knit in confusion. “Here I was all proud of myself for making this a surprise. But I guess that wasn’t such a good idea? It’s good to see you, anyhow.”

“Hey, kitten,” the other guy said with a wide grin. The nickname—and the way he looked at her—instantly made my blood boil.

“Don’t fucking call me that, Mike.” She stormed past all of us and out into the kitchen.

The guys looked at each other and Mike started laughing. “She mad.”

Derek threw him a warning look then glanced at me. “So this is awkward.”

Before I could reply, Kat was back in the room with us, having left her things in the kitchen. She stood facing her brother, her arms folded over her chest. “What are you doing here?” she repeated at her brother, promptly ignoring the gloating asshole on the couch.

Derek appeared taken aback, eyes widening. “I can’t believe you’re still mad at me. It’s been nearly two years. We heard you got married—”

“From your lawyer? Did your lawyer tell you that?”

Mike shifted uncomfortably on the couch and Derek avoided his friend’s gaze. The tension in the air was thick enough to be sliced with a plus-two magic broadsword. I instantly wanted to bail and let them hash it out, but that would be hypocritical of me, considering all my family bullshit I’d just subjected her to.

“C’mon don’t be like that. The parents were worried. You took off to another country and got married. Then didn’t tell us anything. It’s like we don’t exist anymore.”

She arched her brow. “Then why didn’t they come?”

“Mum wanted to, but she couldn’t get the time off. She’s been pulling some double shifts at the hospital. And dad’s in the middle of Copyright 2016 - 2024