For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,43

monitor revolve around ergonomics, of course. Gotta make sure you’re not craning your neck or getting gamer’s elbow or any—”

Suddenly the door to the room whipped open and Lucas bust through so quickly he was a blur. He was holding something gathered in his arms. I turned to face him, putting my hands on my hips.


But he shoved himself between me and the camera and threw a blanket over my head, wrapping it quickly around me. What the…?

I stumbled back with a shriek and fell on my butt, the blanket obscuring everything. Dumbass! This was not an amusing joke.

“Lucas, you dickhead!” I yelled before I realized he was talking.

And he wasn’t talking to me.

“You uncivilized little shits need to go wank off to PornStop and leave my wife alone.”

I fought through layers of blanket to free myself from my sudden oppression. He was so getting his ass kicked.

I poked my head out in time to see that he had thrown a sweatshirt over the camera. Now, he was searching for the button to switch off my video feed.

“Lucas!” I shouted again, pulling myself up to stand, spitefully kicking away his stupid blanket. “What the hell are you doing?”

“First, I’m shutting this shit down. Then, at my earliest convenience, I’m going to hunt down some IP addresses and deliver payback to certain little horny douchebags.”

I moved up to stand beside him where he bent over my keyboard furiously typing into it. Whoa. The chat feed was going a mile a minute and Lucas’s lines were in shouty all-caps.

Still the subscriptions kept pouring in…along with the donations. One popped up on the screen as I stood there, trying to gather my bearings.

LuvDosBewbz(.)(.) has donated $10.00. [Please come back, pretty lady!]

I blinked, completely confused. Lucas was still pounding away furiously, his teeth gritted, his facial features tight with anger. He still hadn’t said a word to me since shutting off my feed.

But the tone of that chat was… ugh. Full of comments about how great my ass and boobs looked in my yoga gear. How my followers were steadily messaging their friends to come check out the latest gamer hot girl. Tons of people stated they couldn’t wait to watch my regular stream. Many were assuming I was a newbie who’d never done this before and had resorted to showing off my assets to gain viewership.

Yeah, yuck. There were channels like that but mine was not one of them.

“Wait, what is that?” I said, pointing at a thumbnail pic someone had posted in the comments section. Lucas clicked on it to expand the screen capture someone had caught. I leaned in close.

“What the…?” I squinted and turned my head sideways.

“They’re your breasts, apparently,” he drawled.

And he was right. In their full glory, up close and personal. A perfect shot of my cleavage as I bent down in front of the camera to fix the mic. I’d been way too focused on having something to talk about and getting my stuff set up. I definitely hadn’t thought about the fact that I was still wearing my yoga getup nor about how that would look on camera.

He grimaced and clicked on another image, expanding it. “And here are several shots of your ass. This one looks like you were fishing something out of a big box on the ground.” The camera got my most popular angle, apparently, as my butt was front and center in the photo.

I leaned in to read the caption, Dat ass!

Heat crawled up my neck and my throat felt tight when I swallowed. My eyes flicked to Lucas’s. “I, uh, I guess I didn’t think through my wardrobe.”

He blinked, his face flushed with barely contained anger. “There are a lot of dirty pubescent children out there, both physically and emotionally. Do yourself a favor and don’t read the chat.”

So of course my eyes flew immediately to the chat box. Before he could put his hand over it to block me, I caught a glimpse of someone dubbing Persephone the newest addition to the “Camgirls of Twitch TV.”

I drew back, frowning in disgust. “What a bunch of bullshit.”

I didn’t have to rely on wearing tight clothes and showing my cleavage to get attention. It worked for others, and that was fine, but it was so not my style.

Lucas was flushed and grim-faced with obvious anger when I moved over to the mouse and clicked the window closed.

He stiffened and then turned to me. “Those disgusting idiots were just fantasizing about all the Copyright 2016 - 2024