For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,41

bantering ideas back and forth. I had enough to fill a half page of notes, anyway.

We made plans to get together again as his schedule permitted. Then it was time to go home to the li’l wifey and see what she’d done with the place…

Knowing that exasperating redhead, it couldn’t be good.

Chapter 6


My guest room bed was not half bad—queen-sized with a fluffy mattress topper that made it feel like sleeping on a cloud. In fact, it was rather comfy and so I didn’t mind that my twin mattress had been left leaning up against the wall in one of the empty rooms. It took me a minute to remember where I was as I reached my arms above my head, knocking my hands against the carved hardwood headboard. I studied it for a moment as my blurry vision came into focus and I cleared my throat.

Lucas certainly had a good eye for fine things. Pretty things. There was a definite aesthetic to his house that I had not anticipated. It wasn’t flashy or ridiculous. It wasn’t white walls stripped to the bones of anything but electronics and leather lounge furniture, like the average bachelor pad.

It looked like he had taken time and consideration in putting things together. He had good taste. The house itself was gorgeous and the history behind it rare in this area. And he had filled the lovely house with equally befitting things.

Maybe he’d had a previous girlfriend help him with the decorating? Hmm. I’d have to ask him about that. But who knew with Lucas? I probably wouldn’t get a straight answer without a heavy dash of salt and disdain.

I reached over to grab my phone, as was my habit when I first woke up, to check for updates, texts and the news. The first thing I noticed was the text from Lucas telling me he’d gone in to work for a few hours and would be back some time after noon. Then he wished me luck unpacking.

I might have stayed in bed, luxuriating in the comfort for another hour or so. But I was interrupted by a dog. Max somehow knew how to headbutt his way in through the bedroom door and approach the bed. He pushed his cold nose at me, insisting I give him loves.

I patted him for a while, scratching his ear, where he grunted his approval. But every time I tried to pull my hand away, he’d shove his big black doggy nose at me, looping it under my hand insistently. Apparently I was open game to dish out the doggy love while I was prone and within reach of the dog nose. So apparently I’d have a furry alarm clock to back up anything else I might sleep through. Good to know. With a groan, I pushed out of bed and padded across the hall to the washroom. Thankfully Max didn’t know how to headbutt his way through that door. There was no way I could handle that level of canine interference.

It was time to get going and get my things unpacked. His kitchen needed the most help. He had gorgeous appliances but was clearly someone who didn’t cook for himself. Not many pots, pans or even things like spatulas and baking spoons. Since I had my fair share, I unpacked my kitchen boxes to fill out his bare marble countertops.

After that, I opted to pull out my electronics equipment, a few personal items for my room, some keepsakes and my clothes. I wouldn’t be here long, anyway. Would I?

For breakfast, I searched in vain for tea bags, then gave in and fixed myself a cup of coffee in Lucas’s fancy one-cup latte machine. To eat, I grabbed a banana. Then, still in my pajamas and housecoat, I started sorting through the boxes, deciding what I’d shove in the spare room closet for storage and what I could pull out.

I’d been studiously ignoring my updates and my inbox, complete with steady flow of messages asking why I hadn’t livestreamed on Twitch in days. I’d posted notices all over my channel before I’d unplugged my equipment to pack up for transport. Still, followers were clamoring for Persephone’s Corner starring yours truly, the amazing gamer girl.

Sometimes it was tedious to be so awesome. But only sometimes.

I had a smallish but fiercely loyal group of followers who watched regularly. They liked my snarky remarks and my chatty gamer gossip. Most preferred my witty advice and commentary on the games I played—and played Copyright 2016 - 2024