For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,35

opened my mouth slightly—

Just as he jerked back, the doorbell rang.

He stiffened and blinked, as if snapping out of a trance. Then tore his eyes away from my face and said, “That’s gotta be Michaela bringing the dog back.”

I blinked, pulling myself out of my own weird trance. As he turned and left the room, I shook myself as a reminder of how bad things might have gotten if he’d kissed me. If I’d kissed him back. If our tongues had touched and danced and our bodies had pressed too close.

We might have lost our clothes and… and fallen onto the bed and… ended up in a sweaty and breathless tangle as a result. We might have strained muscles or even sustained more serious physical damage. There might have even been some biting and scratching. Definitely some moaning and panting…

So I guess it was a good thing we didn’t go that route.

Too damn bad.

The front door opened, and I heard the telltale patter of pawed feet and the click of toenails on hardwood floor and heavy canine breathing. I met up with the new arrivals in the living room where Michaela was talking to Lucas. Max, a large and exuberant golden retriever, bolted at me the minute he caught sight of me.

“Hey, Katya!” Michaela greeted me with a tentative smile.

I bent to scratch my old buddy behind his ears. He was soft and smelled good, having just gotten a bath. Unfortunately he also breathed his hot moist dog breath right into my face. I quickly straightened and turned back to Michaela. We’d met before on a few occasions. Her boyfriend, Jeremy, worked at Draco as a developer so she’d attended work functions as his plus one.

Also, we’d spent a few days together at a cabin last winter during a holiday retreat with several other co-workers.

“Hey Kat! Congratulations to you, too. What a shock that’s been.”

I had no idea how to answer her, but as far as I could tell, her congratulations were genuine. Our eyes met and as I hesitated, hers widened. “I’m sorry—I just meant I didn’t see it coming. You guys were that good at keeping it on the down low, but I’m really happy for you.”

“Oh,” I laughed, darting a nervous glance at Lucas who, as usual, had a neutral expression on his face. “Yeah, well thanks. And, you know him.” I jerked a thumb at him. “My husband is the secretive type. And surprisingly romantic. It was all his idea.”

He arced a brow—all stoic and Spock-like—but didn’t contradict me. Nevertheless, I could detect trace evidence that he was irritated by my embellishment.

I fought a smirk. So much the better. “In fact… he thought we should honeymoon in Japan so we could start our training to become actual ninjas.”

Michaela looked from Lucas to me and then back at Lucas, then laughed. “I could actually see that…”

“And—” I leaned forward conspiratorially.

Lucas cut in, leaning forward. “Well look at the time. I owe you dinner for watching Max all day.”

She shook her head. “Thanks, but not necessary. I like the arrangement we’ve got going. Maybe you can give me a little more time on the bench. And of course, more lessons are always welcome.”

I frowned looking from one of them to the other. On the bench? Lessons? What on earth did that mean? Was Lucas some kind of secret Dom or something? A bench, as in a spanking bench? Lessons? What the what?

Was he about to show me his “playroom?”

Michaela noted my confusion immediately. “The piano. I don’t have one at my place. Just a tiny keyboard. When Lucas and I were roommates, I used to listen to him play, and it made me want to learn. So I’m a late bloomer but determined to learn.”

I darted a quick glance at Lucas who had a strange look on his face. It was almost like he was holding his breath, as if he was afraid I’d blow our cover or something. He played the piano?

Of course, I’d noticed the instrument in the alcove of the living room. I’d never connected its presence to the fact that he might have some hidden talents besides being good at video games.

“Oh that’s cool. I can see how he inspired you.” I cleared my throat and my heart sped up. I knew a lot about Lucas. But clearly not everything.

Soon after, Michaela excused herself to get back home to dinner with Jeremy. She gave Max a big hug around the neck and then left. Copyright 2016 - 2024