For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,29

miss about home. And all it took were random legal letters showing up out of the blue at my brand new address to remind me of that.

“One thing’s for sure,” I sighed, hedging at his question. “I’ll be relieved when I finally have that green card in my hand and therefore won’t run the risk of getting Draco or you and your friends in trouble. That was a huge favor I still owe you for, by the way, getting me the paperwork fixed up for me so I could get the job.”

Heath smirked. “I got friends in low places.”

I smiled. “You sure do. But things will be so much easier once I’m legal.”

“You should be thanking Lucas for that, not me.” Heath shrugged, studying me with curious eyes that revealed he wasn’t one bit fooled by my sidestep of his question.

“Yeah well, I’ll figure that one out later.”

His blond brows raised as he looked over my already-packed boxes. “Are you sure about all this?”

I raised my brows. “What, moving in with him? We already did the hard part and got married—”

He laughed. “Getting married is not the hard part. The hard part is all about living together—without committing a felony. It’s a whole different ball game. And you two will have an especially hard time of it, seeing each other 24/7. Both at home and at work. I just don’t want to end up watching this on 20/20 as a cold case with you dead and him on the lam.”

I raised a brow at him. “What makes you think it wouldn’t be vice versa?”

Heath returned a wicked smile. “Yeah, actually as soon as it came out of my mouth I realized that the more likely scenario would be the reverse.”

I winked. “You know me so well.”

“How are you going to manage not to kill him? You two don’t get along very well.”

“We get along well enough at work to get a lot of shit done. Our department has never been more efficient, actually.” Then I pushed out of my chair, on my way to start packing up the living room. “Besides, if he gets too mouthy, I could always just break his jaw, so it has to be wired shut and he can’t talk. Then we’d be just fine.”

Heath followed me through the swinging door into the living room. I just had a few baubles and tchotchkes in here, not even enough stuff to fill one box. Heath, as the typical bachelor with some money, had filled his pad with every state-of-the-art electronic device and gaming console known to man. My few souvenirs and glass items were all but lost in here, anyway. I grabbed some bubble wrap to keep them from breaking and started enveloping each one in way too much of the stuff.

“As long as neither of you give in to the UST, you’ll be just fine.”

I hesitated, frowning. “UST? What’s that stand for?”

“Unrealized sexual tension,” he stated matter-of-factly, handing me the tape gun I’d forgotten—but he had remembered—from the kitchen.

I hesitated, brandishing the thing at him like a weapon. “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Heath rolled his eyes. “It means exactly what you think it means and if you don’t acknowledge it, I’ll call you on your denial.”

I jerked the thing at him like I was firing from a pistol, then bent to seal up the box. “I summarily reject your ongoing and very annoying hypothesis about all that. Lucas is a work friend—and sometimes rival—who is doing this to help me and himself out.”

“Uh huh,” he said, clear skepticism written all over his face.

I inspected the packing tape closely. “Hmm. I wonder if this can be used to seal up humans. Want to be the first to try it out? Or maybe I could break a bone or two to get my message across.”

He smirked. “Save that for your hubby. You’re gonna need plenty of it. Or maybe save it for yourself. If your lips are sealed up, you won’t fall prey to the temptation of kissing him.”

I stiffened, remembering the scorching kiss between us that afternoon that had so overwhelmed me. It had come on so suddenly, when he’d pulled me into his arms to offer our doubting colleagues “proof” that we were now a couple. By the looks of his calm and collected exterior when we had come apart, that kiss hadn’t affected him the same way it had me.

Or had it?

Lucas was always so good at hiding his emotions. Hiding Copyright 2016 - 2024