For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,25

somewhat private hallway, trying hard not to focus on her ass as she strode in front of me. Eyes at eye level, Lucas.

Just as we were about to turn the corner, however, she stopped and spun on me. It happened so quickly that I almost collided with her. As it was, by the time I stopped we were mere inches apart. She locked gazes with me and then reached out and flicked one of the buttons on my shirt with her finger. “One last rule. There will absolutely and under no circumstances be sex, right?”

I blinked. “Are you asking me or are you telling me?”

“Well, I mean, we already aren’t having sex with other people but—” she gestured between the two of us. “—as a married couple. One might expect…”

I shook my head and swallowed. “There are no expectations.”

Her face was unreadable as she nodded. “Okay, I guess we won’t need a rule.”

I licked my lips and shrugged. “I guess not.” But I could always fantasize. That didn’t break the rules. Of course fantasizing always made it more difficult to keep the rules so fantasizing was out.

Note to self—no more fantasizing.

Did I read a little disappointment on her face as she turned to round the corner ahead of me? Perhaps she’d misunderstood me, though I’d spoken the truth. There were, indeed, no expectations of sex. She’d asked me for a favor and she was at my mercy to go through with it so she could get permanent residency and stay in the country. For me to ask for—or worse, expect—sex would make her feel obligated. And that would be gross.

But that fact didn’t preclude my interest in her. She didn’t need to know that. And I was good at keeping secrets. I’d had a lot of practice.

As I rounded the corner, I caught Jordan just leaving the Den with a plate full of cake. He was speaking to Kat and when I came into view, caught my gaze with a pointed raise of the brows. Oh God, here we go.

“Hey Lucas, I was just congratulating your blushing bride here on your surprise nuptials.” He shifted his cake plate to his left hand and held out the right one to shake mine. I gripped it, giving a quick pump before dropping it. Kat thanked him and slipped inside, shooting me another unreadable look. I wasn’t sure if that was in reaction to what I’d said in the hallway or to this fresh development.

I knew I wasn’t going to get off with a mere thank you like Kat had, but I tried it, anyway. “Thanks, bro. I gotta get—”

As I went to move around him, he held out a hand and pressed it on my chest, blocking me. “Nice move. Didn’t think you’d anticipated me. Or did this all go down last night after I talked to you?”

I frowned, trying to read him. He had a teasing grin on his face, brownish-green eyes dancing. Jordan loved to tease and mock and sometimes he was a pain in the ass. But he was also a good friend.

Not good enough of a friend to tell the truth to, however.

“What, you think I got married to increase my chances for the promotion?” And that’s exactly what I’d been afraid of, of course.

He gave a noncommittal shrug, a curl of his lip as if to ask, Why wouldn’t I think that?

“That seems like a drastic thing to do,” I continued.

Jordan laughed. “Marriage, by definition, is a drastic thing to do.”

I blinked. “Have you shared that opinion with your girlfriend?”

“April knows all about my opinions.”

I blew out a breath, ready to blow him off before he dug any deeper into uncomfortable territory. “Well you know what they say about opinions being like assholes. Everyone’s got one but I don’t necessarily want to know about yours because it most likely stinks.”

He nodded, taking my crap in stride like he often did. For as much as Jordan liked to dish it out, he could also take the shit directed his way equally well. In fact, he was the type of guy who respected you for giving it back to him, as long as it was properly meted out and well-deserved.

Jordan leaned in and lowered his voice. “Listen. You know and I know that you are way over-qualified for your current job. Even Adam knows that. Any extra push you can give to let him know of your commitment, has my full support. Even if it means marrying the boss’s Copyright 2016 - 2024