For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,154

the wrong way in the past, it had been because I’d known this all along. She was amazing. Too amazing for me to brush off or ignore so I’d decided I’d needed to push her away. Over and over again.

So she wouldn’t upset that carefully won balance I’d achieved in my life.

“I can do the same for you, you know. Be there for you if, for example, you go back to Canada, face your family. I owe it to you for all the shit you just had to endure this weekend.”

This time, her smile showed off her even, white teeth. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that when it’s legal for me to leave the country.”

“I’ll go with you. You can buy me one of those famous donuts you used to go on and on about. Tom something-or-other.”

“Tim Hortons.” Her grin widened, and she leaned forward, throwing her arms around my neck with the exuberance of a little girl. The silken fresh scent of her hair washed over me, and it hit me, almost like a physical blow. When she pulled back, I fought to keep any reaction off my features.

I had secrets, yeah. Secrets from her and even some from myself. Like what the fuck even was this that I was feeling right now? It was like some part of my brain was screaming in panic and the rest of me was just frozen, at a complete loss for what to do or think.

My phone chimed. Welcoming an interruption to this disturbing internal development, I stood from the bed to fetch it from the dresser. It was a text message from my sister, which I read and then laughed. I knew there was a reason I loved my sister.

Kat frowned. “What’s up?”

“I have no idea how she did it, but Julia commandeered the private jet my father chartered. She’s getting the plane to fly out tonight and wants to know if we want a ride.”

Kat brightened. “So we won’t have to stay three more days? Sweet. Let’s go.”

I made a cutting gesture with my hand to stop her while I texted the butler. “Well, Deleon will want to pack us up but I’m going to have him return the rental car for me instead. We can throw our stuff in the suitcases easily enough. But the plane doesn’t leave ‘til midnight, which means we don’t have to leave here until ten. Which leaves us with the problem…” My gaze flicked up. “That we have nearly six hours with nothing to do.”

A slow smile spread across her face. “Oh, I’m sure we can think of something to do to pass the time.”

Oh yeah. How I was hoping she’d say that. Inside, every muscle seemed to tense with anticipation. I folded my arms across my chest. “I seem to recall how you like staying even with me or even ahead, but—”


“We aren’t exactly even in the oral sex department, are we? And I still haven’t had a chance to find out about that hidden talent you once bragged about.”

Without hesitation she rose, walked over to where I stood beside the dresser and put her hand on my chest. Where she touched me, it felt like fire. When she tilted her head up to look in my face, her open admiration was visible. “Well we definitely can’t have that. Brace yourself, because I’m about to blow your mind, Jedi Boy.”

I grinned. “Would you call that a… Jedi Mind Trick?”

“More like Jedi Mind Fuck.” Next thing I knew, her hands were on my belt buckle. As she continued to stare into my eyes, she undid the buckle, licking those luscious lips of hers. With practiced ease, she dropped my trousers, then pushed my boxers down right after. My body thrummed with arousal and my throat was so tight I could hardly swallow. I was almost overwhelmed in anticipation of her mouth on me. Of watching her on her knees in front of me. Of her taking in my length as she tightened those lips around the base of my cock.

She palmed my erection and blew out a breath as we held that stare. Then she sank to her knees slowly, as if floating. I leaned my head back when I felt her hot breath on my sensitive skin, my cock so hard it was almost painful.

When the heat and moisture of her mouth closed in around me, I almost lost it right there.

“Fuck,” I gasped, so unprepared for the sensations despite having anticipated Copyright 2016 - 2024