For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,103

glanced at the table, then at me, tucking a long strand of that gorgeous hair behind her ear. “Uh, hey. So you’re still working?”

“Did you hear from your brother? Did he still want to get together for dinner?”

She shook her head. “I haven’t heard and to be honest, even though he talked about getting Chinese, he’s usually a lot of talk. If he doesn’t text me first, I’ll touch base with him later tonight about the weekend.”

She moved deeper into the room as something on the table caught her eye. She picked up one of the sheets covered with my scrawl, squinting as she tried to read it.

“Is this the thing you’re working on to present to the officers? For the new position?”

I cleared my throat, suddenly wishing I could yank the notes away from her. Weirdly self-conscious without realizing why. Probably because, when it came to all matters gaming, I highly valued her opinion, and this concept was far from developed enough for me to ask for feedback from her.

Kat leaned her curvy hip against the table as she pondered the notes, then without a word, laid a sheet down while she picked up another. I watched her as those blue eyes slid down the page and she chewed her thumbnail absently. She was dazzling, even when she made no effort to be…

“Hmm,” she mumbled, snatching up another sheet. “I see what you’re aiming for here. A cross between a Battle Royale first-person shooter and a sandbox game so you can design your own hideout fort. Interesting.”

I sat back and flicked the pencil in my hand with irritation. “You hate it.”

She straightened, startled. “Nooo. I wouldn’t say that. I just think it could be more… original. More on brand with Draco?”

I frowned at her. “But that’s just the point. I’m showing how Draco can expand beyond its original concept of Dragon Epoch.”

She shrugged. “Sure but…”


She locked gazes with me, then leaned forward, that soft hair brushing across my face. I’d wound it in my hands in the night before while I’d kissed her, touched her and made her moan. It had been so hot when she’d touched and rubbed my dick, as if she’d done it a hundred times before. Her concern that I get mine after I’d given her hers was actually rather sweet.

And very much appreciated.

She pointed to one of my sheets of paper. “Why not make it a medieval shooter and sniper game? There is no Player vs Player feature in Dragon Epoch so why not give the people a chance to fight each other in this game instead? The forts they build can be the old medieval type. There could be a phase for gathering resources, like in Minecraft. And building. And designing terrain. The game could start on common ground and then branch out to player-designed areas.”

“And what exactly are they shooting if they don’t have modern assault rifles?”

“Oh that’s easy. The usual fantasy fare—bow and arrow, crossbows, magical wands and staves. You can shoot out magic missiles, meteor showers, fireballs or even some steampunk version of an early hand grenade. Or just anything—spears, throwing stars, boomerangs. Whatever.”

I sat up and stared at her for a moment. Then grabbed the nearest empty sheet of paper and started writing that down. It was damn brilliant. She started talking again. “You could even tie it into Dragon Epoch. Let people take things they’ve built or won into the main game as incentive after they’ve earned a certain amount of points or kills or whatever. And they could somehow integrate their creation back into the Dragon Epoch game, if they want.”

She kept talking, and I kept taking notes.

“And you know, for the next phase, you could try to go with a mobile app. Like our own version of Pokemon Go. People could walk around their neighborhoods and find treasure or weapons or building materials to integrate into the game. Keep the flavor a medieval fantasy so it’s all seamless and builds on the other games. You can reuse the lore from Dragon Epoch that way, too. Have intertwining stories and crossover quests. That way it encourages our existing player base to branch out to other Draco products instead of being something completely new like a contemporary shoot ‘em up or something futuristic. Besides, there’re already tons of those. You don’t want to compete with them.”

I nodded, scribbled, nodded some more. She quietly watched me. “Or you can just completely toss this idea. I won’t be offended.”

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