For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,10

several TV and internet commercials.

Jordan and Adam were continuing their usual shit-talking exchange, but I wasn’t listening, already focusing on what I needed to do to push this to the final stage. I needed that job. It would be the culmination of years of strategically planned educational and career choices. It was the main reason I’d taken the grunt job in QA and worked my way through to develop a better sense of game design and playability.

Yeah, this new position would allow me to do what I’d dreamed of doing for years—making games of my own. And doing it in partnership with a man I’d admired for a long time.

What could I do to push this decision over into my favor?

I was a Quality Assurance manager. I did my job efficiently and very well, but my job wasn’t flashy. A developer could stuff his resume with an innovative Dragon Epoch storyline, a nested chain of quests. Or he could develop a new game mechanic for the next expansion.

Me? I made sure there were no errors in the gaming program, no bugs to screw up game enjoyment. I was the janitor, so to speak, the guy who cleaned up the devs’ messes.

As I left Adam’s office, Jordan grabbed my arm and pulled me into his own office, just adjacent. I shut the door behind me as he started a podcast playing loudly on his phone, set it down on his desk. Then he motioned me toward the wall furthest away from the one adjacent to the CEO’s office.

“Safety precaution. He has the ears of a bat,” Jordan explained in a quiet voice with a grimace.

“This isn’t good news,” I replied.

Jordan’s brows furrowed. “You shouldn’t be surprised that he wants someone from development in that position. But I’ve been campaigning for you all this time, and he does admire your work. He especially couldn’t believe you made that deadline. Can’t stop talking about it.”

I nodded, enjoying the sense of gratification that the hard work had been appreciated.

Jordan continued. “I don’t think he was bullshitting you back there when he said that this will be a tough choice for him.”

My lips pressed together. “If you say so.”

Jordan lifted a brow at me. “Don’t get all belligerent on me. He’s never been the most effusive person with praise. Trust me on this. And the great news is that it’s not a hundred percent up to him. I’ve been thinking about this strategically.”

My brows rose. This came from the man who was almost single-handedly responsible for the company’s triumphant bid to go public, making me, among others, a millionaire. I wasn’t about to discount Jordan’s strategic thinking.

“I’m listening.”

His eyes flicked to mine. “Two things, actually. You need something flashy. Something new that will catch his attention. Preferably something irresistible in your plans for the virtual reality company. A new game that will sweep through the industry.” I pondered this. On top of everything else, I had going on… well, who needed sleep, right?

I nodded. “Okay. That’s something I can think about. What was the other thing?”

Jordan straightened, his features sobering. “Well, you’re not going to like it.”

I rolled my eyes. “Great. Can’t wait to hear it, then.”

“There’s always the influence angle. You have some… ah, impressive family ties.” He waved a hand up to stop me when I opened my mouth to protest. “Hear me out. A new investment. An influx of cash or sponsorship.”

I drew back. “From my father? Are you out of your mind?”

I could scarcely believe my own ears. If anyone on this earth understood about fathers who had no boundaries, it was Jordan.

“I know. I know. I told you that you wouldn’t like it.”

“You know me well enough. I like it about as much as you would if someone suggested you get your dad involved in your business.”

He nodded and let go a long sigh. “Yeah, I know, I know. Just think about it. I really want you in this position, too. I’ve gotten you this far, right?”

I huffed out an indignant breath. “Curb the ego, bro. I got myself this far, but I appreciate your support.”

Jordan’s gaze intensified. “Just think about it.”

Yeah, think about getting my dad to buy off Adam. Two words: Fuck and NO.

I wasn’t thrilled when Jordan had figured out who my father was. I never did ask him how he knew. But Adam clearly didn’t know, and I never wanted him to find out. The fact that my father could buy and sell Adam and Jordan, Copyright 2016 - 2024