Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,58

touch eased. As he stroked those long fingers along her face, she couldn’t help it. She raised her face, seeking more. It startled her enough she might have drawn back, except a pleased warmth entered his gaze. Daring, she put her lips on his hand. His gray eyes heated further, encouraging her. She kissed his fingers, traced the lines of his palm with her tongue.

If he liked to take his time, not miss any details, he would want that from his servant as well. She could do that. She was trained to be very thorough, missing no detail when it came to pleasure. She’d just never done it spontaneously like this, without specific direction.

A sweep of her lashes showed he was hardening again. Her pussy, still recovering from taking Niall’s thick cock, didn’t care. She wanted him now. Her Master. Some sense that she was still a servant, serving a vampire.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I failed. I won’t fail again.”

“You’ll fail if that’s my intent. I wanted you to lose control,” he said.

“But you ordered . . .”

“Yes, I did. But who holds the control? You or me?”

She swallowed. “You, Master.”

“Good.” His fingers tightened on her face, his expression getting that hard look again. “You’re not unclean to me, Alanna. Nor a failure, not in any way.”

Rising after that surprising statement, he took a seat in the chair again. “We’re going to let you ride this feeling for a while, I think. But I want you to wash my cock. Niall put bloody garlic in that stew. I think he does it just to annoy me.”

“The fact that it’s not kosher doesn’t bother you, but the garlic does.” Niall snorted.

“Your kills are humane, thanks to your excellent hunting skills. That honors the spirit of Jewish law.”

“I’m thinking the drinking of human blood puts ye outside o’ most religions, let alone their dietary restrictions. The Satanists might welcome ye, though.”

“Particularly if I offer a big, strapping Scot as a sacrifice.”

“Heathen.” Niall had gone into the bathroom. When he came back out with a basin of steaming water and a washcloth, he set it on the ground next to Evan, who’d returned to his chair, his knees spread, waiting for her. His cock had returned to a somewhat softened state, but she could scent the remains of his seed on it, the earlier lubricant he’d used to fuck Niall, and, as he’d said, the faint smell of garlic from Niall’s mouth.

Sliding over to him on her knees, she wrung out the washcloth. Niall took a seat on the bed behind her. As she felt them both watching her, she wondered what they were thinking, if they were discussing her. Her hands were shaking a little, her body hot with need.

Putting her hand on Evan’s knee to scoot forward a few more inches, she wrapped her hand around him. His cock stirred, interested under her touch, and she had to resist the urge to explore further, bring it back to life. She shifted, her pussy rubbing against her calves, gooseflesh rippling across her lower back from her reaction.

“Yes, I did his tattoos.”

When she dared a glance up at him, she saw the vampire’s jaw was set as if resisting his own response to her touch. It made things coil even tighter in her lower belly. These two made her act so strangely, out here in this rustic cabin in the middle of nowhere. A pair of owls hooted at each other outside.

She liked handling him, liked the feel of him. Like most vampires, he didn’t become immediately flaccid after climax, part of why she expected they recovered so quickly, capable of fucking a servant countless times in the same night. The thought made her nipples tighten, particularly when her left breast brushed against the inside of his thigh. Vampires had no hair other than what was on their heads, so his smooth marble flesh slid easily beneath her skin. Sensing his sharpened regard, she focused harder on her task. Up, down, a careful rubbing to remove all trace of Niall’s saliva, his semen, though Niall had done a good job taking his Master’s seed down. She envied him that honor.

Glancing back, she saw Niall was still naked. Though he hadn’t come, his arousal from the tip had leaked over the head, painting small lines on the ridges of his stomach. He was still hard, making her swallow.

“After I clean our Master, I can do the same for you . . . if you

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