Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,232

power would surpass his eventually. Things might change.

But Evan wasn’t a vampire who feared change. Change was what unfolded new, more amazing landscapes for him to capture, whether those landscapes were a mountain range, or a man’s soul.


THE glen was a fairy world, the tree branches and leaf tips touched with a silver gleam, the deep creek emitting the occasional diamond flash when the moon caught sight of it through the canopy. They’d made camp there, knowing they couldn’t stay all night, because Evan would need a more sheltered place in daylight, but they had an isolated cottage with a root cellar they could reach in an hour. Which was good, because by then, Niall would need that cellar as well.

The landscape had changed considerably from three hundred years ago, but it was still a beautiful glen, an out-of-the-way spot. Alanna stood at the edge of the water, letting it lap at her bare toes, breathing in the air. She had her arms wrapped around herself, a relaxed embrace that allowed her to lay her hand discreetly over the third mark she now bore in place of Stephen’s over her hip bone. The hated dagger had vanished when the link was broken, and, increasing her joy, Evan’s third mark had seated itself in the same spot.

She hadn’t been quite sure of its significance, a mark shaped like a tree, the branches almost elegant in the way they spread across her skin, the longest branch touching the curve of her breast. Lord Brian said he’d never seen one so elaborate. So artistic.

Evan had taken a look at it and smiled, his eyes warming on her. “It’s a tree of life, Alanna. Very fitting for your having a Jewish Master.”

Would Niall miss his third mark when it was gone? Would it be gone?

He’s nervous, Alanna.

She came back to the present at Evan’s voice in her head. Turning, she studied Niall. He was sitting on a nearby rock, his eyes closed. Evan was on the opposite bank, sketching, waiting patiently, or perhaps not so patiently, but covering it well. Nodding to acknowledge Evan’s comment, she moved toward the Scot. Coming up on the rock, she knelt behind him, sliding her arms over his chest. Since Evan had marked her fully again, her hair had begun to grow rapidly, so she now had a fine layer of down that Niall likened to a newborn bird’s. He reached back, rumpled it now.

“I’ve seen a human go through the process of becoming a vampire,” she said.

“Aye? Did he drool and try to drain anything with blood that came near him? No dog or wean safe?”

“No.” She pressed a smile against his neck. “When the sire is with the fledgling, the bloodlust is managed with daily doses of the sire’s blood. He does have to stay pretty close to the sire through the transition period, because fluctuations of temper or other factors can make him dangerous, but we have that all planned out, remember? Lord Daegan told us about that place in Ireland, the abandoned monastery with the catacombs. He owns the property, so we can be there for a while. Evan can draw all sorts of dusty bones and pale skulls.”


She slid under his arm, into his lap. “I’m glad you decided to do it here. To come back to Scotland after all this time. Maybe sometime we can come back for a longer visit.”

“Maybe.” He lifted a shoulder.” ’Tis enough to come here for this. The air is still filled with memories, muirnín. The voices get too loud at times.”

She nodded, understanding. “Are you ready? Master will wait as long as you need, but it’s been hard on him these few weeks, afraid of what might happen.”

“I wanted ye strong again, muirnín, so you could travel, be with us. We both wanted that. ’Tis not right, otherwise.”

“You’re both too stubborn,” she chided gently. “Is it still what you want to do?”

“I’m not sure anyone’s ever ready for something like this. Like going into battle. You just charge and hope for the best.” He looked down at her then, and she was relieved to see it in his eyes. “Yes, muirnín. My wame’s just got that feeling . . . when ye step across a line and ken there’ll be no backing up.”

“Do you want me to leave you alone, give you more time to think about it?”

“No. I like ye fine right here.”

You’re not a young man, Niall. Think about it much longer and Fate

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