Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,229

you follow me? Care for my family? Give me the time with them?”

“Lord Uthe told me I see things others can’t see, and I try to put it in a language the rest understand better.” Evan shrugged. “I’m not sure about that, but there are things I see, feel, in your soul. I can’t articulate them, but I follow them, the same way I follow the muse, not really understanding, but hoping, thinking, believing, that if I follow a certain path, things will unfold as they should.”

“And you determine what that ‘should’ is?”

“No.” Evan shook his head. “Not like you’re thinking. I don’t even know the outcome. I just know that way lies the masterpiece. If I’m wrong, then it’s a discarded film or canvas. Or the loss of a lost soul. But it’s better to fight for a lost soul than to leave it lost. That’s one thing I’m sure of.”

Hesitating almost like Niall had, that first time he’d touched Alanna after she woke, Evan at last curved his fingers into Niall’s hair, needing to stroke, to touch, to hold. Niall tilted his head enough to show he welcomed the caress, and Evan knew he wouldn’t restrain himself much longer. If Niall had given him the answer he thought he had, he wanted his mouth on his.

Like Alanna had done to him, Niall slid his grip to Evan’s hand, brought it to his mouth, pressing his lips hard against his knuckles.

“Niall . . .” He was going to lose control, crush the fragrant flower beds with the weight of Niall’s body, his own on top of it. Lyssa might have given him the two things he most wanted, but she’d end up eviscerating him over her mangled pansies.

The Scot lifted his head. “Outside of the times when we were with other vampires, and it was required, I never called you Master. I guess you understood that.”

Yes. He’d never demanded from Niall what came so naturally to Alanna’s lips, and soon it wouldn’t apply. Not that it had ever been an easy fit.

“You encouraged her to see us both as her Master. You’ve been planning this awhile.”

“Well, not her part of it, but I wrote the first letter to Uthe about turning you six months ago, when I noticed you sleeping more.” Evan ran his knuckles along Niall’s jaw, paused there, just holding that touch, pressing against his jaw with the sudden surge of feeling.

Niall put his hand over his. “Evan.”

Evan shook his head. “Let me get this part out. If you choose to become vampire, your will is your own. You’re free to be with me or leave, as you desire. You served the oath I imposed, but I will never impose another on you.”

“Like you could. Skinny Jewish kid.”

Evan smiled, but there was a pain in his heart. “You owe me an answer.”

Niall nodded. “What’s that name you call me?” he asked.


“Aye. Neshama. Your soul. Well, your soul never leaves ye, does it? It is what ye are.” Niall’s jaw tightened. “I’ve picked up a bit of Hebrew myself over the years. Moreh . . . teacher. Or adon . . . Master.”

Niall beat him to it. Before Evan could initiate anything, he was tasting his Master’s mouth, demanding, delving in, giving him everything he wanted for this moment . . . almost.

Digging his fingers into the Scot’s long, thick hair, Evan gave as good as he got, but at a certain point, he let Niall take the lead, because he was savoring the feel of it, Niall wanting him. When the man lifted his head, his mouth was cut where his passion had brought Evan’s fangs into it. Evan licked off the blood, sucking on the lip enough to cause a rumble in Niall’s throat.

“Adon technically means ‘lord’.” He spoke against Niall’s mouth. “I’m not one of those.”

“Depends on who ye ask.” Niall closed his hand on Evan’s wrist, and the two men held there, Evan tilting his head so they were eye to eye. “I’m here, Evan. My body, my soul . . . and my heart. They’re yours. I give them to you freely, and ye’ll never have to ask for them again.”

Evan swallowed twice, vowing he’d knock himself unconscious before allowing tears to fill his eyes. Niall’s tawny gaze narrowed, his fingers brushing Evan’s face. “I didnae . . . I didnae think it mattered to you. Not that much.”

“Very few things matter more,” Evan said tightly.

“Aye.” Niall let his fingers slide down Evan’s

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