Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,216

InhServ. Hearing her say anything that smacked of influencing the Council was unexpected. But Alanna recalled several slips in the reserved woman’s expression during her preparations that suggested her situation had affected Debra. She knew it had affected Niall. Despite her compliment, he still wasn’t 100 percent, so she decided to poke at that.

“Put makeup on him, then,” she whispered. “He looks pale.”

“’Tis your fault. These needy lasses can fair kill a lad.” His lips tugged up in a half smile. She wanted him to come closer, kiss her, but now she was thinking about how she looked. Besides holding no sexual appeal, a skeleton wasn’t capable of much in that department. It didn’t stop her heart from craving the intimacy of their bare bodies against hers, being taken by her Masters . . .

Niall was close now, his fingers on her chin. She resisted. “No. I look hideous. You just said so.”

“I said no such thing. I said you’re beautiful.” Since he merely caught her chin in a firmer grip, she was helpless when he put his lips on hers. At that first touch, her weak arms sought purchase on his shoulders. He pulled her up to her knees, letting her feel him flush against his body, which was far stronger than she’d teased him about.

“I can smell Evan on you,” she murmured, loving it. Loving them both.

“Aye. I didnae think the scrappy runt had that much strength left in him. We both fell asleep like drunkards afterward.”

She smiled against his mouth, then lost herself in that kiss, weakening in all the right ways, until he eased her back to the covers, touched her well-kissed lips with a thumb. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, now and forever. And ye best not take my earlier words as an empty threat. Get your strength back, muirnín. Because we intend to use ye hard for all you’ve put us through.”

Only time would tell if such desires would be fantasy or reality. He didn’t voice their obvious shared worry, that things might not go their way, but she hoped. For the first time in her life, she prayed for divine influence in her fate, humbly asking for the chance to serve the type of Master she’d always wanted.

Niall carried her to the Council, Evan leading the way. Brian’s wing was on the opposite end of the estate, but Niall had promised they’d let her down right before they reached Council’s chambers. She had to settle for the fact that she was clean and dressed; she’d figure out a way to stand on her own once she was there. During the trip in Niall’s arms, she enjoyed the way her Master looked as well. Evan wore a silver-gray suit that brought out his eyes. He’d chosen an open throat for the dress shirt instead of a tie, but it was a strategic move, giving him the look of a self-assured, confident member of the vampire world, not an overeager petitioner for the Council’s favor.

As always, the clever diplomat. Remembering Niall’s opinion on that, she clung to her hope.

When she’d come before Lady Lyssa last time, she’d been numb, beyond everything. Now she felt everything. The weakness of her body, anxiety, yearning, worry. A tearing love for the males who accompanied her. But she kept her breathing slow and steady, mindful of Debra’s parting warning.

You can’t get overly emotional. Don’t let your heart rate increase, or you will faint. You have zero strength.

Twenty paces before the door to Council chambers, Niall let her legs slide to the ground. As Evan disappeared within to announce their arrival, he kept his arm around her waist.

“I ken you’re very determined to walk these last few steps, but lean on me. Use my strength, lass.”

He shortened his strides, allowing her to proceed at her own pace, but it was quickly clear it was far too slow. After five steps the remaining distance stretched out like a distant lakeshore. Niall lifted her against his hip with a subtle hitch, her feet just barely brushing the floor. He covered all but the last two paces.

“If you have a pack mule, use him, muirnín.” He brushed his lips over her temple, not allowing her to despair. “You’re doin’ fine, lass. Remember, you’re not on trial. You’re the hero here.”

Then Evan opened the tall door from within, leaving no time for a response to the unexpected statement. A chair had been placed in the center of the room, just like

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