Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,193

him where Alanna’s had. At a vampire gathering, she and Niall would touch other servants at the whim of their Master, but he’d chosen to touch this woman. Or to let her touch him. Pounding on Mel was a different approach from the rice, but one Alanna found she immensely preferred.

She managed a few more solid punches before she was plucked off the woman like a toddler.

“Here now, enough o’ that,” Niall scolded her, inserting his body between the two women when Mel sprang to her feet, blood in her gaze. “What’s got into ye?”

“It’s more like what got into me,” Mel scoffed. Alanna lunged past Niall, her fist whizzing so close to Mel’s nose the woman had to jerk her head back. The dark eyes laughed at her. Gave her a wink. “Pretty effective moves, Barbie. I’m impressed.”

“You’re testing her fighting skills?” Niall, keeping a firm hold on Alanna, gave her a glare.

“Yeah. And no. It’s a girl thing.” She nodded to Alanna. “You’ll need to make some more of that lemonade. You used up the last of it.” Picking up the other glass Alanna had poured for Frank, the security woman strolled off, offering a friendly smile to the table of staff members.

“What’s all this about, lass?” Niall gave her a shake. “I sent ye for lemonade, and you’re causing a row.”

“She started it. I’ll get you some more. Since she drank all of it, it will take a few minutes.” Tossing him a glare, Alanna stomped toward the canteen kitchen. At the swinging door, she spun on her toe. “I’ll bring it when it’s ready. Mel says there’s a nice shady spot behind the cottage you’re roofing.”

When she disappeared behind the door, she heard him speak to Frank, who’d come to investigate as well. At the sound of the two of them moving away, her shoulders eased. She shook her head at herself, then for some inexplicable reason, a smile crossed her face. Despite his irritation, Niall had looked impressed. She was a servant, not a doormat.

She’d also give Mel credit. The “bringing it to the mat” idea worked wonders. She felt much lighter than she had after she’d woken.

She found the men behind the cottage, lounging on the grass beneath leafy red maples. Colors had started changing for the fall, but the leaves weren’t yet dropping, except for a few that added to the comfort of their mattress. More self-conscious now, she handed Frank the lemonade, nodding at his courteous thanks. She was aware of the muscular redhead’s appraisal as she turned, but nothing that would be considered inappropriate or rude. When she went to Niall, her lowered gaze traveled over the big feet, the long denim-clad legs, the curve of groin below his belt and impressive bare terrain of muscle above it that mapped his upper body.

Yes, he was easy on the eyes, as Mel had made irritatingly clear. He had the overshirt she’d discarded, was idly rubbing the fabric between his fingers. “You have dirt on your cheek, and your hair is mussed,” he noted. “As particular as ye are about a napkin on the floor, I expected you’d tidy up after a scuffle.”

“You can drink this or wear it,” she responded. When he grinned, the sheer sensual impact of it proved to be too much. Heedless of Frank’s presence, she straddled him, sitting down on his lower abdomen. His hands landed on her calves, following her legs up to slip his thumbs beneath the hemmed cuffs of her shorts as she settled. When she put the cold glass against his chest, his skin shuddered like a horse’s flank.

Collecting some of the condensation dripping from the side, she painted it along his flesh like Evan might. As she followed the flat curve of his nipple, she watched it respond, draw up at her touch. In the end, the jealousy had only been a mask for the real issue. She’d missed his scent in the bed, his heat and strength. His closeness. She was far too aware of how short a time she was likely to have that pleasure. She wished he was in her mind so he could hear the thought, but she put it in her touch, her eyes. She wanted him to see it. She wanted him, period.

“Frank,” he said casually, “think you could take your lemonade elsewhere for a bit?”

“Sure.” The man’s amusement was obvious. “Ma’am.”

As soon as he was around the corner of the house, Niall’s hand closed around her

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