Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,182

those in front of the cottage, a variety of shapes and colors, but all wondrous to experience. “Is Niall . . . all right with you touching me?”

A trace of humor cut through Evan’s hard look. “Reluctantly, I’m sure. But there’s nothing he can do about that, or I’ll take a belt to him as well. Or maybe a two-by-four. He’s a little more stubborn than you are. Or so I thought.”

With a grunt, he stood, pulling her out the opening between the front seats to direct her through the side door. Catching her waist, he skipped the steps, landing on the ground with her held against him. As he let her feet touch, he ran his hand down her back with not-so-casual ownership. “Enough of that, now. I’ll leave you two to set up house. My privilege, as lord of the manor, to avoid manual labor. We’ll be here awhile, so make it home. I liked the touches you put on the mountain cabin.”

As she glowed at the compliment, he gave her a fond pinch. “I’ll go speak to Miah and Nerida before Mel puts herself into a froth. She’s probably already called them twice to see if I’ve met with them.”

“Are they part of the security team?”

“Yes and no. They’re permanent residents here, and help in whatever way is needed.” He checked the tuck of his shirt, began to unroll his cuffs, but Alanna shook her head.

“They’ll be wrinkled, Master. I can prepare another shirt for you.”

“No, this will be fine.” As he raked his fingers through his hair, she feathered his bangs so he looked well tended. He gave her a smile. “You’re a treasure, yekirati. Now, so you won’t get alarmed when you sense them, Nerida and Miah are vampires. Except for those who serve their blood needs, we are the only ones here who know that.” He paused. “They were turned as children, Alanna. They’re in their seventies, but they’re physically trapped at those ages. Nerida looks six, Miah about twelve or thirteen.”

The idea horrified her. “What vampire—”

“Long dead, as he full deserved.” His jaw firmed. “The founder took the two of them under his wing, and they found a permanent place here. In our world, they would never be safe.” A grim smile touched his lips. “They’re like me, only their comparable lack of strength is much more obvious. However, the fact that they’re still far more powerful than humans makes them an excellent backup to the security detail. An abusive husband or a team sent from one of those oppressive countries to reclaim their women won’t expect a six-year-old to disembowel them. Another reason for the deep forest location. Easier to dispose of bodies.”

He flashed his fangs. “Mel is one of their two marked servants. Her grandparents, Kohana and Chumani, served the vampire who helped Miah and Nerida acclimate to the vampire world, as much as they could. And of course, this territory, while ostensibly under Lord Richard, is also still considered very much Lady Lyssa’s as well. They exist in the shadow of her protection as well.”

He lifted a shoulder. “Because Miah and Nerida clearly have the mannerisms of adults, residents have been told they have a rare aging and sun disorder where they will always look like children, and can’t go out in daylight. They stay here so they aren’t turned into freaks and exploited by the outside world. Some may wonder at the truth of that, but science is more easily believed than the supernatural. Those who came here for safety and secrecy also tend to respect that need for others. So far, Miah and Nerida have always been safe here.”

The vampire world was turning out to be so much more than she knew. Though she wanted to hear more, she understood his responsibility to bring them into the loop about Stephen. “We’ll get the household set up to your liking, Master.”

“I’ve no doubt.” He gave her an appraising look, then he was gone, turning and disappearing into the night. But her body heated at that look, remembering his threat in the vehicle, a threat that she took in a way perhaps most women wouldn’t. But most women weren’t raised in the vampire world. Other than her brother, it was the closest to an emotional declaration she’d received from a male.

Well, perhaps not the only one. Mounting the stairs, she found Niall now in the kitchen. A plate of cookies had been left next to a vase of daisies on

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