Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,18

to have to produce an axe to get them any farther, they emerged into a small clearing. To one side was a log cabin built into the side of the hill, a necessary anchor given that the front yard had only enough level ground for a grouping of Adirondack chairs and a picnic table before it began to slope down dramatically, drawing the gaze in that direction.

Niall backed the vehicle into a spot obviously carved out for it next to the cabin, which gave Alanna the opportunity to stare at that overwhelming view. The slope was dotted with yellow wildflowers with black centers that danced at the touch of the wind. The hill disappeared into a forested gorge, enough daylight left that the sunlight gleamed on the golds, yellows, rust reds and countless greens, an artist’s mixed palette, forming the foreground for the mountain range behind, dark green hills giving way to blue-green ones. Beyond that, layers of hazy blue rocky formations rose into the sky, wisps of white clouds draped over them like silken spider webs. It was a view that kept the mind engaged and the tongue silent.

When she realized Niall had cut the engine, she looked toward him.

“Evan calls this the Atheist Test. Says if you look at the view and don’t believe in a higher power, no other miracle will change your mind.”

Not knowing what to say to that, she simply nodded and then forced herself to evaluate her surroundings more practically. Another vehicle, a sturdy SUV that looked like it had been decommissioned from the military, was parked on the other side of the cabin. There was a well, but now that Niall had opened his door, holding it there with a braced foot, she could also hear the rush of water, possibly a stream beyond the cusp of the hill on the west side of the property. Lifting her gaze to the steep grade above the cabin, she saw several cameras on tripods. They were loosely protected by a plastic tent, the flap tied back from the picture-taking end. Niall scowled.

“Idiot,” he muttered. He exited the vehicle, his size making it rock. Before she realized his intent, he was at her door, opening it for her. She wasn’t used to that, nor how he offered a hand so she could more easily step down from the Range Rover’s greater height.

“You’re lucky it didn’t rain today,” he muttered. “That plastic wouldn’t have held against a stiff breeze. You’d have fried your arse, getting out here to rescue the equipment.”

Because she’d spent most of her life around servants, she knew when one was speaking to his Master internally, though it was the first time she’d heard one be that rude. She waited, hand still clasped in his because he’d not yet let go. She didn’t take it as an impropriety, given that his mind was obviously engaged, so she had the opportunity to observe his fingers were strong and warm, his palm rough. She wanted to run her touch over it, feel the grooved lines. She quelled the inappropriate response.

“He said it didnae smell like rain today.” Niall snorted, giving Alanna an eye roll. “Aye, ye remember Seattle?” Dropping her hand, he circled around back, retrieving her suitcase. “Come on, he’s inside.”

She eyed the size of the cabin. “Where does he protect himself from the sun?”

“The back bedroom is inside the hill itself, but during daylight, that’s only adequate for early morning or just after sunset. The root cellar is below the house and accessible through the kitchen. It’s been modernized enough that there’s indoor plumbing, and electricity comes from a generator, but for the most part it’s a pioneer experience. The place is a couple hundred years old.”

“This is your . . . home?”

“A step down for you, princess?”

His narrowed look flustered her. “No. I didn’t mean it like that at all. I apologize. I’m accustomed to vampires who require more of their accommodations.”

“Aye, he’s not one of those. That’s all he requires.” Niall nodded toward the view. “As long as he can see the next great wonder, he could sleep in a hole in the ground. As for me, I just need a guid meal, so he keeps me fed. We all have our priorities.”

She followed him to the door, her cheeks pink at the idea he’d thought she was complaining. She didn’t know how to rectify such an unprecedented assumption.

“We’ve been here a couple o’ weeks,” he continued. “No telling when Evan’ll move

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