Taken by a Vampire (Vampire Queen) - By Joey W. Hill Page 0,179

attack, but Evan’ll brief the girls so they know what tae expect.”

“Brief them fast, so they can bring me into the loop on what I need to know.” Snapping off the flashlight, she shot him a disgruntled look. “You’re supposed to let me know when you’re bringing a guest. But since Nerida and Miah gave Evan an unconditional pass on whatever he drags in here, including you, I’ll let you get away with it.”

“Guid. I’d hate to get out of this thing and kick your arse. I’m creaky as an old man from driving all the day.”

She harrumphed. “Big words, paleface. We have the usual bungalow ready. There’s still quite a few folks up, so you might get mobbed.”

“I’ll warn Evan. See you when you get off shift.”

She gave him an appraising look, frankly sexual. “If I’m in a giving mood, I might help you work the creak out of those old bones.”

Chuckling, he lifted a hand in acknowledgment. When he put the RV back in gear, Mel opened a well-reinforced security gate, but Alanna watched the way the woman’s eyes lingered on Niall’s profile as they drove past. Of course Niall enjoyed the pleasures of other women. That had been clear from the first, and it wasn’t entirely unusual, particularly for male servants in the service of male vampires. Many vampires who had a more utilitarian relationship with their servants cared little if they had extracurricular liaisons, as long as it didn’t interfere with their loyalty and service to the vampire.

Stephen had been less tolerant of such things with his female servants, but it wouldn’t have mattered if he had been. An InhServ didn’t indulge that option. Performing with another servant at the vampire’s behest was a different matter, an extension of their will. While she’d enjoyed those other female and male bodies, united in their purpose and trained to give one another pleasure, Stephen’s will had remained the driving factor.

She didn’t like thinking about Evan allowing such liaisons, though she had no justifiable reason for feeling that way. But when he or Niall merely looked at her, she was so overwhelmed. She couldn’t imagine participating in an empty sexual encounter with a human outside their world. It could only be a pale shadow of that connection. She should leave it alone, but . . .

“So, Evan doesn’t mind you having sex with others?”

Niall turned onto a paved single-lane road, cloistered by thick forest growth. A rabbit bounded out in front of the RV and stayed there, guiding the vehicle for a hundred feet. Given that they were on an incline, the RV trundled along, accommodating the creature’s pace until the rabbit jumped back into the foliage. “Not with other women. As long as it doesnae interfere with what he wants from me. It’s a pleasurable way to pass the time. ’Tis not like we can pursue a career, cultivate an absorbing hobby. The vampire’s the center o’ our universe, aye?” He shot her a droll look, but she couldn’t summon up a return smile. In fact, she felt an urge to scowl. “Our diversions have to orbit him, not cross the path and crash into the planet.”

“Very visual. Evan is rubbing off on you.” She bit her lip at her catty tone. Raising a shoulder, she tried to sound more casual. “So if an attractive male here wants to have sex with me while Evan is sleeping or otherwise engaged, I have the freedom to—”

Fortunately, there was no one following them, because Niall braked sharply. “No. You don’t.”

She arched a brow. “It shouldn’t affect the blocker. Why should it matter to you who touches me when—”

His hand landed on her leg, possible in the roomy RV only because of the long reach of his arm. “As far as you’re concerned, whatever comes from my mouth on this topic, comes from us both.” That tawny gaze had gone gold, his expression and tone not one whit less compromising than one of Evan’s orders in truth.

“Why?” She never questioned an obvious order from either male, but her mind was snared by the woman’s blatant appraisal of Niall. It was obvious she’d enjoyed his body, and was looking forward to doing so again.

“I told you to take care in dealing with a jealous woman, Niall. You’re out of practice.” Evan slid through the opening between the main camper and the driving area, taking the backseat centered between them. As he stretched out his legs behind Alanna’s seat, he propped his other

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