Taken By Terror - Lolita Lopez Page 0,87

if he could read her mind and see her doubts as if they were written upon her face. He shook his head and kissed her neck and cheek. His hand tightened on her thigh, and she closed her eyes and leaned back against him. I’m enough.

When they finished their drinks, Terror handed the empty glasses off to a passing waiter and gave her hip a pat. They stood, and he took her hand again, leading her away from the dance floor toward the wide staircase. She wasn’t used to walking in heels so she held onto his arm for balance, not wanting to tumble down and ruin their night.

At the top of the stairs, Terror chose the hallway on the right. All of the rooms lining this hall were doorless. Their wide-open entrances encouraged those seeking an education to step inside and watch. They spent a little time moving from room to room, but she wasn’t particularly interested in watching other people be spanked or bound in ropes.

Terror seemed to sense she wasn’t keen on the educational offerings, and he steered them away from that hall to explore another. These doors were closed and had screens displaying symbols on them. Above each door were two lights, one red and one green. She glanced at Terror, and he explained, “The lights let us know if the people inside are open to new people coming in to watch or join in on the fun. The symbols tell us what exactly is going on behind that door.”

He let her wander from green light to green light until she found a screen that piqued her curiosity. She couldn’t imagine what the tiara and kneeling figure meant. Something to do with royalty? Maybe a role-playing game?

“This one?” Terror asked when he noticed her pause.

She nodded and gave his hand a squeeze. She caught the briefest hint of a smile, as if he knew a secret, before he took the lead and opened the door. They stepped inside the room, and she let her eyes adjust to the warm glow of amber lamps and flameless candles. There was a great deal of red in the room. Red walls, red linens, red upholstery. Everything else was black or muted shades of gray.

Terror meandered through the small crowd that had gathered in the room. There weren’t more than two dozen people there and almost all of them were men. She wondered why the audience skewed male—until she got her first glimpse of what was happening in the center of the room.


The tiara suddenly made sense. The room was dedicated to women being worshipped like queens!

There were two women on display, one suspended in a swing contraption and the other sitting on a padded chair that had a large cutout in the seat. Flat on his back under the chair, a man with bound hands and ankles licked at the woman’s vulva. She was displayed for all to see, her swollen, wet labia glistening under the lights. The man’s tongue fluttered along her sex with such enthusiasm it made Maisie squirm.

It was one thing to see people dancing, touching and kissing. It was quite another to be so close to a couple having sex that she could see the most private parts of them. She had only just gotten comfortable with Terror seeing her completely naked. This experience was beyond anything she understood, and it left her flustered and a bit hot.

The longer she watched, the less guilty she felt about intruding. The less guilty she felt, the more her body reacted to the scene. Voyeurism hadn’t ever been something she had considered as one of her possible kinks, but maybe it should have been on her list of things to explore. She shifted her weight between feet and bit her lip as she felt suddenly slick and aroused.

Did Terror know she was getting excited? Could he see her flushed skin in this light? Could he smell the change in her scent?

Maisie’s eyes widened as the woman on the chair leaned forward, pressing her pussy to the bound man’s mouth. There was nothing gentle about her movement. She aggressively clasped a fistful of the man’s blond hair and held his tongue right where she wanted it. She rocked her hips, grinding herself on his mouth as if he were a toy that only existed for her pleasure.

And maybe he did. Maisie studied the man’s body language. He seemed completely relaxed and utterly devoted to his task. He wanted to

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