Taken By Terror - Lolita Lopez Page 0,116

to scoop up some innocent people.”

“Yes,” Torment agreed. “Seems like a sure-fire way to breed more contempt and more Splinter sympathizers.”

“Probably,” Terror said as the elevator reached their destination. “But,” he said stepping off, “at least that means we have job security.”

Torment made a sound that was half shock and half amusement. Shaking his head, he fell into step next to Terror. The door to Orion’s office was open, and they stepped inside to find Vicious, Savage, Keen, Noble and Cipher waiting.

Taking in the group assembled, Terror said, “I just got cleared, and you six are already planning a mission?”

“Shut the door, Torment,” Orion ordered. When it was closed, Orion said, “We’re discussing the expected arrival of replacements for our purged crew.”

Terror glanced at Keen who was running the intel department now. “Vetting new men on the ship isn’t my department.”

“That’s not why you’re here,” Orion interrupted. “Keen and his team have that well in hand. No,” Orion walked out from behind his desk, “you’re here because it’s time for some personnel changes.”

Terror’s stomach dropped. He shot a worried look at Vicious who studiously ignored him. What the hell? Were they going to pull rank and forcibly retire him?

Awash with panic, Terror insisted, “My physical assessment showed that I’m completely healthy and capable of continuing my work.”

“That’s not the issue,” Vicious assured him.

“Savage has accepted a promotion,” Orion explained. “He’s headed down to The City to launch our ground-based intel operation. After the destruction on Prime, the plans for colonizing Calyx have been pushed forward, and we need to get a better feel for the situation down there.”

Savage looked surprisingly happy about his new role. With a slight shrug, he admitted, “I’m no good up here in a ship. I do my best work on the ground, down in the thick of it.”

Terror agreed with that assessment. He and Savage had called a truce during his recovery, and Terror had accepted Savage’s apology for the bad blood between them. It wasn’t easy for a man like Savage to admit he had been wrong, and Terror appreciated the gesture.

“I suppose that means I’m getting my old job back?” Terror kept the hopefulness out of his voice, but he was certain every man in the room understood how badly he was ready to return to work.

“No.” This time, it was Vicious who spoke. His oldest, dearest friend stepped forward and reached into the pocket of his pants. His hand was closed around something as he moved closer. “Torment will be taking Savage’s vacated position. Your old job,” he added. “And you…”

Expecting the word he feared most—retirement—Terror asked, “And me?”

Vicious opened his hand and revealed a pair of shiny gold stars next to a black and silver Shadow Force Director badge. Terror stared at the insignia for a moment before meeting Vicious’ proud gaze. “Congratulations,” Vicious said, his voice thick, “Director.”

Terror had never in his wildest dreams ever considered he might be chosen to fill the top rank in the Shadow Force. After the bloodbath on Valor Day, the Director had been fired. The Council had dragged its feet on choosing a replacement. It seemed impossible that it was him even as Vicious pinned the new insignia on his uniform and his colleagues applauded.

“You’ve earned this.” Vicious clapped him on the back. “After everything you’ve survived and done for the Alliance, there’s no better man for this job.”

“Agreed,” Orion chimed in and stepped forward to shake his hand. “There’s no one else I trust to lead us out of this purge and into a new season of peace.”

Coming from Orion, the man who had once threatened to vent him into space, that was high praise. Terror shook the admiral’s hand and allowed himself to feel actual happiness for the first time in months. The realization that Maisie wasn’t here to share his promotion and good news brought him right back down, though.

“Hey,” Vicious chastised, “don’t do that.”

“I can’t help it,” Terror retorted somewhat testily. “How would you feel if Hallie hadn’t been there when you were promoted?”

“Like shit,” Vicious answered honestly and held out his hand. “Cipher.”

“Sir.” Cipher stepped forward and gave Vicious a slim black box.

“I gave Cipher a task a few weeks ago. Just in case, we were successful,” Vicious added before giving it to him. “Our gift to you in gratitude for saving all of us from the Splinter plot.”

Terror accepted the gift and opened the box. What he found inside rendered him speechless. A white bride’s collar. For a

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