Taken by Storm (Give & Take) - By Kelli Maine Page 0,86

and shuffles away.

“Thanks!” I call after him. “Think he’s a virgin?”

You let out a derisive snort. “Can’t imagine why you’d think that.”

“I don’t know. Maybe he’s just modest.”

“Hmm. Maybe.” With a flick of your fingers, my bikini top falls open. “Glad you’re not.”

“Not with you.” I wrap my arms around your neck and you pull me down on top of you on the lounge chair sucking a nipple into your mouth.

“Ah,” I gasp. I’ll never get used to the feel of your lips, your tongue. It’s too good, too drive-me-insane overwhelming.

I press against your shoulders, releasing my flesh with a drag of your teeth. I have to have your mouth on mine, your tongue sliding over mine drawing moans from deep in my throat.

I devour your lips. No holding back. I held back so long waiting to trust you, but now I need to take and take and never stop until there’s nothing left of you. Consume you delicious bite by delicious bite.

Rewarded with a low groan when I nip your bottom lip, I taste my way across your jaw to lap your earlobe and take it in my mouth. Your hands squeeze my ass and slide down between my inner thighs, pulling them apart so I’m straddling you. Your chest is warm under my splayed fingers, salty on the tip of my tongue tasting your hard pecs. You rock your hips into me. I dig my nails into your skin in response making you suck in an airy hiss through your teeth.

The wind blows my hair across your face, cools my bare back damp with heat. You ball my hair in your hands as I trail kisses down your stomach. “I love how you taste.”

My hair goes loose around my shoulders and you run both palms down my back. “I never want anyone else here. Just us. Alone.”

“Me too,” I say, springing your hard length free from your swim trunks. “I’ll have you naked whenever and wherever I want.”

Your fingers find my nipples and begin pulling, pinching and rolling, sending shocks of clenching arousal through my center. “My sex kitten.”

I run my thumb up the thick vein running from the base of your cock to the ridge around the head. A bead of pre-come glistens at the tip. “Mmm, for me?” I tuck my hair behind my ear and lave your slit with my tongue while staring into your deep, dark eyes. “I love giving you that look on your face.”

Your heavy-lidded, lust-filled expression shifts for a moment as one side of your mouth hitches into a smile. “What look?”

“Like I’m killing you.” I circle my tongue around the underside of your head, flicking and nibbling. “Slowly.” I stroke you and let my tongue slide down to trace the seam between your balls. “So slowly.”

Your hand cups the back of my head. “God, you’re right. You are killing me slowly. Painfully slow. Suck me.”

I take you in deep, hollowing my cheeks and moaning along with you. Your hand guides my head, but I know what you like. And I love giving it to you, to that glorious cock that makes me come so hard.

Your breath comes faster as I pick up the pace. I’m wet and throbbing, needy and empty. You have to touch me soon, satiate this ache. Fill me.

Both hands cup my face and pull me off of you, breaking my suction with a wet sucking sound as you free yourself from my mouth. “Take me inside you.”

Your fingers sweep my bikini bottoms aside, and you groan finding me wet and swollen, ready to take all of your considerable length. I’m always ready for you.

I angle your tip against my opening and ease down onto you. Both of us sigh in ecstatic relief. Nothing feels as perfect as when you’re squeezed tight inside me.

You sit up, shocking me with the way you slide even deeper, and pull my ass into you as close as I’ll get. Your mouth finds mine. Our lips barely graze as we breathe the same air, the tip of your tongue teasing mine. At the gentle urging of your hands, I rock my hips torturously slow.

It feels so, so good. You’re hitting a spot inside me that sparks tears to my eyes. Our lovemaking is bittersweet with suppressed urgency, denial of clenching muscles begging for a faster release.

Another languid rock into you, and a whimper tumbles out of me. I choke out the word, “God,” like a prayer. I’m all senses and longing.

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