Taken by Storm (Give & Take) - By Kelli Maine Page 0,50

demanding more. His hands ran up the back of her shirt, then around to the front. His fingers slipped inside her bra while he trailed kisses across her jaw to her neck.

She let her head fall back and thanked God for giving her this time with him. She’d pay whatever the price was to make MJ forget his pain for as long as she could—to make her forget how long it had felt like she was missing a limb, a vital organ, without MJ in her life.

She ran her fingers through his dark, wavy hair, nuzzled her nose in it, breathing him in. He tugged down the V-neck of her T-shirt and found her breast, licked and sucked her nipple sending waves of heat on a path leading straight between her legs.

Her chest heaved, her back arched, giving him more. He could have all of her, even if it could never happen again. She’d remember this moment for the rest of her life. She’d think of this night and feel these feelings that were stronger than anything she’d ever felt. At least she’d have this memory to keep with her and know she’d once been able to love this much. She’d once been loved by him in return.

Tears streamed down her cheeks again, landing in his hair. He glanced up with a flurry of emotion in his eyes. “Stop?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No,” she sobbed.

He rose on his knees and kissed her cheeks, her nose, her eyes, her forehead. Then he eased her back down onto the couch, turning them so she lay on top.

She loved lying on him, feeling him breathing underneath her, resting her head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. She never thought she’d find herself here again.

MJ gathered her hair behind her head with one hand and kissed her while hitching her knee up beside his hip with the other. He clutched the back of her thigh, tracing his fingers up under the leg of her shorts.

Maddie was so lost to his kiss and his touch, she could barely catch her breath. She pulled her lips from his and kissed her way down his neck to his chest. She couldn’t fight her desire and didn’t want to. This was MJ. She shouldn’t have to fight it. She ground her hips against his, and felt his erection press between her legs. The sensation made them both groan.

MJ grabbed her other leg and pulled it up by his hip so her legs were open to him and thrust against her.

“God,” she whispered against his chest, tracing his pecs with her tongue. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”

“You should’ve come back to me.” He thrust again, and she wished they didn’t have clothes between them.

“I couldn’t,” she panted, teasing his nipple with her teeth.

He grabbed her chin between his thumb and forefinger and pulled her head up. “You don’t say anything I understand, so stop talking before you piss me off again.” To make sure she did, he lifted his head and kissed her, sucking her bottom lip, then her top before closing his mouth over hers and claiming her with his tongue.

His slow, rhythmic thrusts urged her to rock against him. She couldn’t help herself, or the tickling, burn of desire that had to be sated between her legs. She was so wet, she could feel the dampness as she slid against him.

Their kiss broke, and she rested her forehead against his as they panted and she rode him. He ran his hands up the back of her thighs not stopping when his fingers traveled under the legs of her shorts and reached the edge of her panties.

Maddie was dying for his touch. She whimpered when his fingers stopped their progression. MJ groaned and ran his fingertips over the thin material. “Fuck, you’re dripping wet.”

She gazed into his eyes, silently begging. He pressed his lips together, and she saw him battling with himself. Then his mouth took hers as he pulled back the scrap of material between her legs and his fingers plunged inside her.

She bucked her hips and moaned against his mouth. He could always make her come so easily. She was so close. She felt his other hand wiggle under her panties and his finger ran between her buttocks. He teased her opening while the fingers inside her circled and stroked.

He’d never done this to her before. Nobody had ever touched her like this. She melted against his chest, arching her back,

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