Taken by Storm (Give & Take) - By Kelli Maine Page 0,48

hide with a cough. Across from him, Roger scooted his chair back and joggled his empty beer bottle back and forth. “I’m going in for another. Anyone need anything?”

Rachael jolted up from her seat. “I’ll get it for you. I should’ve kept the staff here for the entire week.”

Roger waved a hand. “No, no. I’ve got it. Sit and relax. Enjoy your dinner.”

MJ wondered what Beck and Joan’s job descriptions were. Obviously not the waitstaff.

“I’m stuffed,” Maddie said, tossing her linen napkin on the table. “I need to go for a walk or something.”

Rachael glanced over from MJ to Maddie. “Neither of you have seen the entire island. Let me grab something. I’ll be right back.”

MJ watched Rachael dash into the hotel. In less than a minute she was back and handing him a key. “You go with her,” she told him. “She shouldn’t be out walking alone. Gators come out at night.”

He wasn’t sure if he should believe Rachael or not, but then he didn’t want to risk Maddie becoming gator food. Not that he could fight one off if it came after them. “Okay. What’s with the key?”

“There’s a little house that way.” She pointed over his shoulder. “You’ll know it when you see it. Merrick built it for me. It’s incredible. You have to see it.” The corners of her mouth turned up into a sly smile as her eyes darted between him and Maddie.

MJ didn’t know why, but he had the distinct impression Rachael was up to something.


You’ll know it when you see it, Rachael had said. Maddie replayed those words in her head as she gaped at the enormous tree house perched in the tall cloister of trees in front of them.

“They must be on timers,” MJ said, confusing her.

“What are on timers?”

“The lights.” He nodded toward the wall of windows beyond the wraparound front porch, brightly lit with a warm, yellow glow.

It was the first he’d spoken since dinner, and Maddie was dying to tap into his thoughts. “Merrick had this place built for Rachael? Wow.”

He tread onto the first step of the arching staircase, gripping the railing. “Must be for them to have some privacy when other people are here.”

She felt her heart speed. She wanted privacy—with him. A jolt of longing shot straight to her center. She couldn’t allow herself to feel this way about MJ for one second more. Somehow, she had to purge herself of all of her emotions tied to MJ.

Maddie passed the lit lanterns sitting atop the balusters and followed him up the curved steps to the porch. She knew he was afraid of heights and noted how he stayed close to the house as he jiggled the key in the lock and pushed the door open.

“Whoa,” he said, stopping on the threshold.

She peered around him and inhaled sharply. It was beautiful. The definition of love nest. A sunken hot tub sat in the center of the room with a wet bar to one side, plush white carpeting and a soft, white sofa and chairs against the opposite wall.

MJ stepped inside and she followed. “This looks like the only room down here,” he said. “Bedroom must be upstairs.”

Maddie’s eyes roamed up a spiral, wrought-iron staircase to where it disappeared into the second floor. “Must be.” She shivered.

“Are you cold?”

“No.” The shiver was anticipation of what could happen between them if they climbed those spiral stairs to the bedroom.

MJ’s eyes followed hers to the staircase before darkening with need. She knew that look so well, had seen it hundreds of times. Had loved how she could make him want her so badly.

He started toward her, and she backed up, bumping into the railing. MJ gripped the balusters on either side of her waist, trapping her. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. All of the tension ran out of her body at his touch. “MJ,” she warned, but wasn’t sure if the warning was meant for her or for him. She gripped the hem of her shorts, willing herself not to touch him back.

He touched her nose with his and very slowly turned his head from side to side. “Do you want me to stop?”

She couldn’t stand it. She’d never wanted something so badly in her life—something she knew in her heart belonged to her—that she couldn’t have.

MJ took her hands, threaded their fingers and raised them above her head, pinning them against the railing that climbed above her. He angled his

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