Taken by Storm (Give & Take) - By Kelli Maine Page 0,30

when his smug expression didn’t budge with her plea.

“No.” He pushed his rolling chair back from behind his desk and stood. “You will leave today, and I will never see you back here again. Do you understand me? I will make certain of it this time.”

Was he threatening her? Exactly how far would he take this?

Before she could wonder any longer, he pulled his wallet from his back pocket, opened it and handed her a wad of bills. A wad of one hundred dollar bills. “I realize your father is important to you. I should’ve been more… accommodating to you when I asked you to stay away from him. I plan to see that you’re taken care of as well as your father. Do I make myself clear?”

“You want to pay me off to not visit my father?”

“He’s free to visit you whenever he likes,” he said, not directly answering her question. “My grandson, however, is out of your life for good.”

She ignored the invisible belt tightening around her chest. “Why do I have to leave today?”

He tapped his fingers against his side in agitation. “You know why.”

“Because Merrick’s here and you’re afraid I’ll spill your secret. Well, I haven’t for almost two years, have I? Why would I do it now?”

Enzo let out a derisive laugh. “When would you have told MJ? It’s not exactly the type of conversation to have over the phone, is it?”

Her frustration ebbed and came dangerously close to defeat, but she wouldn’t be defeated by him again. “When it’s your only option, maybe it is. I’m tired of lying to him. Tired of keeping a secret that shouldn’t be a secret at all.” She stood up and threw her shoulders back, telling herself she wasn’t intimidated by this man, the Old Man who’d controlled her for too long.

He threw his hands out. “So, tell him. See what happens. Let’s see how he takes this news and knowing you’ve been keeping it from him.”

She folded her arms over her chest and glared at him. He was right. “Maybe this isn’t the time, but he’ll find out. This isn’t something you can keep from him forever.”

The corners of his mouth twitched. “I can’t? Who will stop me, Maddie? You?”

She lifted her chin in defiance and held his eyes like it was a staring contest and she’d lose if she looked away or blinked first. But this wasn’t a game and she didn’t know how she could possibly win anyway.

The money practically burned her fingers. She wanted to throw it at him for daring to think handing her a stack of paper earned her loyalty, would keep her from MJ.

She choked back a sob of frustration and strode out of his office. The money in her fist was damp from her nervous, sweaty palm. She opened her fingers and glared at the offensive, crumpled bills in her hand. How much value did the Old Man put on her love for her father? Her history with MJ? However much, it wasn’t enough. There was no amount in the world that would ever be enough.

Maddie wadded up the cash and sat it on a table against the wall in the hallway. Enzo could keep his money. She wanted her father in her life.

She wanted MJ in her life, however she could have him. Friend, acquaintance, distant stranger, she didn’t care. She’d take whatever scraps he’d give her. He was a fixture in her life even if they didn’t work together, and she couldn’t give him up.

“Are you okay, Peach?” Her dad took her by the shoulders. She hadn’t even seen him when she rushed down the hall.

“I’m fine.” She made herself smile and tried to look convincing.

“Good. MJ’s home and he needs you to go meet his father with him.”

“I can’t.” No matter how brave she thought she could be, when it came down to it, she was afraid of Enzo Rocha. She didn’t know his limitations or if he had any.

“Of course you can. You know how difficult this will be for him. He’s been waiting his entire life for this day.” He ran his knuckles over the top of her head. “What’s wrong with you? You’ve never walked away when he’s needed you.”

“You don’t have to.” Tall and broad shouldered, MJ strutted down the hall toward them. His wavy hair was damp, and he smelled like laundry softener and the sporty deodorant he wore. Maddie liked the clean smell of him better than any cologne or aftershave.

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