Taken_ A Dark Mafia Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,82

her prison inside.

He held me in the same position as the water flowed over us, beads falling from his chiseled face. All sense of time had stopped, the needs we shared changing into so much more. This was the face of the man in the greenhouse, the one who’d undressed me with his eyes yet showered me with petals from the most beautiful red rose. This was the man I’d fallen in love with.

When he pumped several times, I moved with him, intertwining my fingers in his wet hair, my eyes never leaving his. Our lips were only centimeters apart, yet he kept them that way as we rocked, his thick cock stretching my muscles.

The pleasure was extreme, every moment moving closer to pure nirvana. His breathing more ragged, he shifted the angle, driving into me harder and faster as his needs increased.

I couldn’t hold back my whimpers as he began to fuck me brutally, the heat off the charts, steam rolling over our heads. For what seemed like hours, he thrust so deep inside I knew he’d reached my womb.

The desperation we shared was a knowing, the same foreshadowing I’d felt before. This was our last night here. He would face whatever demons were crushing down on him as he’d done so many times before.

Only this time, he wouldn’t be alone.

Breathless. Joyful.


The emotions continued to roll through me as the hard fucking moved into something else altogether. Our combustible passion allowed our budding love to flow in, vines growing and entwining us together.

I’d never believed in love at first sight or in a single person being my destiny. I would certainly never have believed that a man I’d thought my nemesis, a true enemy would become the man of my dreams. I only hoped the fantasy wouldn’t come crashing down.

Matteo growled as he shoved his hands against the tiles, crowding my space until he crushed his mouth over mine. As our tongues entwined, my lover dominating mine, he rolled onto the balls of his feet, pounding me like the true savage he was.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I could tell he was close to coming, his body jerking, tensing. Unable to stop the mischievous girl inside, I clamped my muscles, squeezing hard around his delicious hard cock.

Within seconds, he threw back his head, a roar coming from the depths of his being.

I clung to him as he erupted inside, filling me, enrapturing me. And for a few precious moments, nothing else mattered.

But the beating of two hearts.

* * *

The roar of the ocean.

The tumble of thunder.

The shiver trickling down my spine.

I’d been awakened by a cracking noise, quickly realizing a storm was approaching. Gone was the glorious moon that had provided a romantic setting. The darkness was now oppressive.

I huddled under the sheet, holding it over my breasts as I glanced out the open doors, trembling as the hard crack gave way to a flash of electricity. The lighting in the background was a stunning show of power and light crisscrossing the sky, an electric dance that had always frightened me.

There was no particular reason, no horrible event in my past that always dragged me into some wretched nightmare. It was knowing the lightning could kill, scorching the earth that always troubled me.

Tonight, the feelings were even worse.

A soft moan escaped my lips as another rumble of thunder appeared closer. The storm was almost over us. A rush of adrenaline crashed into me, stealing my breath. I clutched my throat, trying to calm my breathing.

There were no boogeymen hiding out on the beach, no monsters rising from the sea to yank us both into unforgiving waters. It was just a storm, a natural occurrence.

I closed my eyes until I felt the brush of his long fingers across my leg, the simple touch allowing a sliver of heat to penetrate my skin. I slowly lowered my head, studying the sleeping giant. We’d fallen asleep in each other’s arms, something I hadn’t anticipated occurring.

Even after we were man and wife.

He seemed peaceful for once, his chest rising and falling in a normal breathing pattern. Another bolt of lightning allowed me to see his face if only for a few seconds. The lines were gone from his tense brow. Sighing, I pulled my knees together, wrapping my arms around them. I didn’t like the feeling pooling in the pit of my stomach.

Everything was off kilter.

I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing. Of course it was. I wasn’t supposed

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