Taken_ A Dark Mafia Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,3

wave of longing. “Giving you a well-deserved spanking. Either you can behave, or I’ll have no problem stripping you naked for all the world to see. Then I might just fuck you.”

I heard the sound of ripping material then realized he’d torn away my panties.

The shock of his words gave way to the horror of his actions as he brought his hand down, smacking my naked bottom from one side to the other. “No. No! You have no idea who you are messing with.” The humiliation of being on the side of the road while being disciplined, fancy estates all around us, was gut-wrenching.

“I think I do. A girl who doesn’t understand her place.” He yanked the clip from my hair, immediately tangling his fingers in my long strands as he held me firmly in place. Pain tore through me as the spanking continued, his hand moving rapidly.

The audacity of the man was incredible. Who the fuck did he think he was?

I was lightheaded, stars floating in front of my eyes but even as the anguish continued, the shame of realizing my body was fully aroused was almost too much to bear. I’d been stripped of my life, my entire world, and now my humility.

“Soon, you will be required to learn,” he stated, as if there was no other choice.

He peppered his hand back and forth, the hard snapping sound of his wrist echoing in my ears much like his musky scent filtered into my nostrils. Everything about the man was exotic, the fragrance full of spices and a wafting of timber. He was all male in every sense of the word, his square jaw and aristocratic nose in perfect proportions to his sculpted cheekbones. He was anyone’s catch, the most eligible bachelor in the entire state.

Only I couldn’t stand the thought of him touching me, using me.

Disciplining me.

Fucking me.

When the spanking continued, a part of me slipped further into another place, trying desperately to control my emotions. This was only the beginning. I would make certain the end was something else entirely.

No matter how gorgeous he was or how much money I would have after marrying him, this wasn’t my life.

As he pulled me against him once more, his fingers wrapping around my waist, I could feel his rapid heartbeat. He shifted his hand down my side, caressing my hip before easing it between my legs. “I can’t resist you. From the moment I first saw you, I knew you would belong to me.”

His words burned into my very soul, my pulse skipping, the electricity shared between us shifting into high voltage.

As he cupped my pussy, a single finger swirling around my clit, I was paralyzed by the intense heat as well as utter shock. There was no doubt that he could feel how wet I was, how much my body had betrayed me.

I was unable to stop the moan from escaping my lips as stars floated in front of my eyes. The sensations were dazzling, my desire increasing with every passing second. The moment he slipped his finger past my swollen folds, I arched my back involuntarily.

My God! I was inviting him, my desire unbridled. I couldn’t believe I was attracted to him. Was it his looks and sophistication or the power he exuded with every word and action? I didn’t give a shit. I would fight my attraction, refusing to give in. “Mmm...”

“Shhh,” he said quietly, sliding a second and third finger inside.

The explosion of hunger was horrifying.

“So beautiful. So alluring.”

Then he whispered words in my ear, the ones I would never forget.

“Make no mistake, Winter. Even though we have yet to marry, you are mine. I will ravage every ounce of your body anytime I desire, the passion shared raw and savage. I will protect you from harm, but I assure you that there will always be enemies. I will also do everything in my power to make your life pleasurable, but only if you obey me.”

Obey? Who the hell did he think he was?

Love, honor, and obey, ‘til death do us part.

The words shot through my mind like a bullet, destroying a portion of my brain. Everyone in the house had been serious, including my parents. This nightmare was real.


“You will learn one way or the other.”

I’d know the sound anywhere, a man unzipping his fly. I was paralyzed even though my pussy continued to quiver, the electricity from before sparking, driving into my very core. Yes, I’d been attracted to him instantly, more aroused

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