Taken by the Alien Next Door (Aliens Among Us #1) - Tiffany Roberts Page 0,88

took Dexter for a walk, and often shared the bathroom—and the shower—with her as they got ready for their day. They’d spend some of the day apart, Zevris in his garage workshop and Tabitha in the room he’d given her to use for her own business.

On the first day of this arrangement, his power tools had been so loud that she’d cranked up her music to drown them out. As soon as he’d realized, he’d apologized, and installed some sort of device that muted the noise—but she’d kept playing her music anyway. Just yesterday, as she was singing along and moving her hips, he’d snuck up behind her, drawn her away from the table, pressed her up against the wall and used his hand and tail on her until her cries of pleasure were louder than the music.

The unexpected breaks he took during the day had become something she eagerly anticipated, to the point that she’d taken a few herself. She loved watching him work, watching the way his arm muscles bulged when he lifted something heavy, the way sweat glistened on his golden skin, especially when he’d remove his shirt. Of course, her going into the garage often led to him carting her out so he could have his way with her.

Tabitha could have sworn she was turning into a nymphomaniac. But Zevris seemed to crave her as much as she craved him.

Aside from the sexy times, she loved just being with him. He would’ve catered to her every whim if she allowed him to, but she didn’t want a slave. She wanted a partner. She loved it more when they cooked dinner and cleaned together. She loved talking with him, joking with him, listening stories of the planets he’d been to and the missions he’d conducted—though she knew he left out a lot of details, particularly the gory ones.

She had told him about how her parents had abandoned her when she was a baby, had told him about Nan, had told him about how she’d gifted Dexter to Nan for Christmas one year and how small, innocent, and adorable he’d been. She had told him how she’d come to love making soap and candles, told him about her friend Mia and Mia’s now-fiancé, Josh, and how close they all were. No matter what the subject was, Zevris listened with unwavering attentiveness, as though he was absorbing every little tidbit he could regarding Tabitha.

No guy had ever treated her like Zevris did. Hell, no man had ever even looked at her like he did—like she was the most precious thing in all the universe.

Tabitha was…happy. Even though it had only been a week, and even though he’d technically kidnapped her, she’d never felt so happy.

And it was getting harder and harder not to just…love him.

Was she crazy? Hadn’t she been hurt in the past by allowing herself to get so caught up in a relationship too quickly? She’d blinded herself to the warning signs just for want of companionship, had justified or ignored the poor treatment she’d received for so long, foolishly thinking it would save her from the inevitable hurt. She’d made the mistake of believing that pouring her all into a relationship meant she’d get the same in return.

But this felt different. Zevris was different. Everything he did and said seemed genuine. She knew exactly what he wanted from her, knew the mission he was on, and knew that his desire for her went lightyears beyond that mission. What she had with Zevris felt real.

Tabitha felt as though she was already in love with him. An alien.

And they hadn’t even kissed yet! She kept waiting for him to kiss her, for him to initiate that bit of intimacy that was somehow both more innocent and yet more meaningful than what they’d done so far, but he seemed to be waiting for something, himself. Despite the way they’d pleasured one another, she knew he was holding back significantly.

Was Zevris waiting for her to lower her defenses, for her walls to come down, for her to embrace him fully?

She didn’t know how much longer she would be content with only hands and mouths. It was amazing, and she never wanted him to stop, but she knew it wouldn’t be long before she needed more. Before she needed all of him.

Before she accepted everything he had to offer.

But was she ready for that?

“Inconceivable!” declared Vizzini on the TV.

The word jarred Tabitha from her thoughts; its timing had been so perfect

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