Taken by the Alien Next Door (Aliens Among Us #1) - Tiffany Roberts Page 0,77

looped her arms around his neck, her body stiffening as though he might drop her at any moment. “Zevris!”

He chuckled as he carried her toward the bed, seemingly without effort—like she weighed no more than a feather. “Get used to calling out my name, Nykasha. You will do so many times before the night is through.”

She turned her face toward him. He was grinning wide, his eyes were glowing, and there was a thick strand of hair dangling across his forehead, granting him a rakish appeal that made her heart lurch madly.

Zevris laid her atop the bed gently, and Tabitha couldn’t help but compare this to a groom carrying his bride to their bed. He climbed on after her and braced himself over her with his hands to either side of her shoulders. The humor in his eyes faded, and was replaced by a smoldering blend of ravenousness, awe, and lust.

He lifted a hand and brushed the back of a claw over her eyebrow and down the side of her face. Drawing his hand back up, he trailed that claw down from the center of her brow, along the bridge of her nose, and over her lips, which he then stroked with his thumb.

Tabitha slipped her tongue out, touching its tip to his thumb, tasting the saltiness of his skin. His expression went taut, and his eyes darkened.

Leaning back, Zevris spread Tabitha’s hair out around her before he moved his palms to her shoulders. He slid both hands lower still, following her collarbone until he’d hooked his fingers under the towel to either side of the spot where she’d tucked the corner in.

Tabitha swallowed thickly. Her brow creased, and she clutched the bedding beneath her, suddenly wishing she’d drank more wine; the alcohol’s effects seemed to have already faded. She could really use some more of that liquid courage right now.

What if he didn’t like what he saw? How could she handle watching as the hunger in his eyes faded or, even worse, turned to disgust?

His tail stroked her leg and said softly, “Ah, Nykasha, you’ve much to anticipate, but nothing to fear.”

Zevris tugged on the towel, loosening it, and peeled it open, revealing her naked body beneath.

A different sort of heat flooded Tabitha, this one born of shame and embarrassment. She looked away from him, unwilling to witness what she feared most. Unwilling to see his expression change. She drew up her knees, pressed her thighs together tight, and moved her arms to cover herself.

Zevris growled and caught her wrists in his hands, spreading them apart and pressing them to the bed on either side of her head. Her eyes widened as she returned them to Zevris.

His fangs were bared, and his eyebrows were low. “You will not hide your body from me, Tabitha.”

He slowly smoothed his palms up her arms to her breasts, cupping them both. Her breath hitched as he stroked his thumbs over her pearled nipples, sending bolts of pleasure straight to her core.

“You have no reason for self-consciousness or shame,” he said as his fingers kneaded and caressed her flesh. “I feel I have waited an eternity to see such beauty, and my wildest imaginings could never have done it justice.”

Zevris clasped one of her breasts and lowered his head, taking her budded nipple between his lips. He sucked it into his mouth, teasing it with teeth and tongue, sending shivers of delight along her spine. A soft, whimpering cry—perhaps his name—escaped her lips as she moved her hands to his head. Her hips undulated of their own accord. Her pussy clenched, and her clit throbbed.

He released her nipple from his mouth and took it between his forefinger and thumb, continuing to stroke the sensitive flesh. “You deserve adoration. Deserve to be worshipped. Deserve to be pleasured in ways no human or faloran has ever dreamed.” He pinched her nipple, making her breath hitch. “Your body was made for pleasure, Tabitha. Made to be pleasured by me.”

He took her other nipple into his mouth and sucked, hard enough to make her moan and scrape her nails against his scalp.

Zevris growled against her breast, and his fangs pricked her skin, but he did not bite. For an instant, she wanted him to. She wanted him to claim her in that way, wanted him to mark her, wanted him to do whatever he pleased to her.

He lifted his head, releasing her nipple with a wet pop, and pressed a kiss between her breasts before drawing back to

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