Taken by the Alien Next Door (Aliens Among Us #1) - Tiffany Roberts Page 0,64

dog food into Dexter’s bowl, washed his hands at the sink, and turned to face the fridge, dragging his fingers through his hair.

He’d learned to cook initially during his Exthurizen training, many years ago. It had been a survival skill. Eating food was a necessity, and preparing it had been only about keeping his body sustained, not about taste. But in his time on Earth, he’d learned to prepare many flavorful foods. He had the stores to make any number of dishes for Tabitha, and her enjoyment of the meal he’d prepared last evening was both inspiring and encouraging. He’d been fortunate with his choices.

What else did she like? What did she like for breakfast, specifically? There were certain foods humans seemed to eat only at certain times of the day, and no meal seemed quite as restricted as breakfast.

All he knew was that he wanted to both provide for her and surprise her.

Zevris rolled up his sleeves, created a prioritized mental task list, and set to work. Since he didn’t know a specific food she liked, he would make a variety of foods and allow her to have her pick.

He moved with the sort of efficiency, confidence, and focus he’d rarely applied outside combat, waging a battle in which his greatest foes were eggs, sausage, bacon, batter, and toast. The kitchen was soon filled with the mouthwatering aromas of cooking foods, reminding Zevris of his hunger. Dexter, having apparently finished his dog food, sat watching intently, occasionally leaning his nose forward and sniffing. His attention seemed most often turned toward the sizzling sausage links and strips of bacon.

When the food was done, Zevris set it all out on the center of the table, covered everything with whatever lids and trays he had that would fit to keep them warm—and, just as importantly, keep Dexter from getting into anything. He set two empty plates, each with an accompanying knife, fork, and spoon, down in front of two of the chairs, and stepped back to survey his work. It was a strangely heartening feeling to have the table set for two after so many meals alone.

Only one thing was missing.

“Stay down,” he said, pointing at Dexter. “Behave, and there’ll be something in it for you soon enough.”

Dexter tilted his head, releasing a soft whine. His tail thumped softly on the floor.

Zevris walked backward for several steps, keeping his finger directed at the unmoving dog, before he finally turned and went upstairs, taking the steps two at a time. He felt lighter already. This couldn’t atone for what he’d done, but this was a start toward making it better, wasn’t it? This was a start toward courting his mate properly.

His mouth stretched into a smile as he opened the door and stepped into the bedroom.

That smile fell the instant his eyes met Tabitha’s furious glare.

She was sitting up against the headboard with her thighs squeezed together and his pillow pressed over her lap with her free hand, but any arousal that had been on her face before had fled her expression, leaving only fury in its wake. He understood what he’d done immediately and cursed himself for being so foolish.

He’d been gone for twenty minutes walking Dexter, and then had spent another thirty preparing breakfast. All while Tabitha, who hadn’t relieved herself since the night before, had been stuck in this bed.

Zevris had left her aroused, unfulfilled, and unable to empty her bladder.

His brows fell low, and his lips sank into a tight frown as itching heat spread just under his skin. All his plans of easing her discomforts and making this as pleasant an experience as possible seemed meaningless now.

She said nothing as he crossed the room and moved to the bedside, and he could not keep his gaze upon her. Shame had clamped around his chest like a vise, tightening a little more with each second, crushing his lungs and making it difficult to breath.

But he felt her eyes upon him. Felt their heat. And he could not blame her for it.

As soon as he was at the bedside, he touched the binding, sending the remote command to release it.

“Tabitha, I—”

She swung her legs off the bed, stood up, and thrust the pillow against his chest hard enough to make him rock on his heels. Before he could muster another word, she stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door shut with a thunderous bang.

Zevris winced, sucking in a breath through his fangs. This was not the new start for

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