TAKE TWO_ Who says you can't ma - Heather M. Orgeron Page 0,92

to settle until life dangled temptation, in the form of a sassy-mouthed, blonde-haired, green-eyed, fiery little vixen, right under my nose and shook things up a bit—shook me up a bit.

Yeah, Korie is just the challenge I need.

“The label won’t like it.”

Having had about enough of her negativity, I rise to my feet, towering over her five-foot frame. It’s not often I ignore her advice. We’ve been best friends since elementary school; she’s one of the few people in my life I actually trust. “I don’t give a damn what they like or don’t like, Anika. I’m tired. I need to rest. The boys and I are taking this trip.”

Her pointed jaw ticks as she stares me down, arms crossed on her chest in a stance that I’m assuming she means to be intimidating. “Does she know you’ll be there?”

I snort. “Of course not.”

She gives one final resigned shake of her head, blowing out a laugh. “You’re gonna regret this.”

“Or,” I say, thumping her nose because I know how much it pisses her off, “I could enjoy it very, very much.”

“And Nick is okay with this?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” the hulking, six-foot-three, tatted oaf himself announces, entering through the back door. “A week of tits, booze, and fun in the sun? And I get to watch him follow Korie around like a lovesick puppy while she hands him his balls in a sling? Sign me up for that shit.”

Keep reading! Get Pour Judgment here

Romantic Comedy

Cajun Girls Series of Standalones

Boomerangers (Single mom/second chance)

Doppelbanger (Single dad/enemies to lovers)

Pour Judgment (Fake relationship)


Breakaway (Sports romance)

Heartbreak Warfare (Military Romance)

Women’s Fiction

Vivienne’s Guilt

Thank YOU readers and bloggers! Thank you for picking up this book and giving my writing a chance. You’ll never know what it means to me that you make this dream of mine possible. Nya and Liam have found such a special place in my heart and I hope they’ve wiggled their way into yours as well.

To my husband and children, you are my rocks, and I love you.

Mom, thank you for picking up my slack and keeping my home afloat while I locked myself away to meet deadlines and bring this story to life. You are the absolute best.

Kate Farlow, everyone should have a friend as petty, yet genuine as you. I don’t know how I’d survive not only my book life, but life in general without you. I love you more than words. Thank you for all the things you do for me. ← We’ll leave it at that because I’d need a few pages to list them all. But most of all thank you for being my right hand. The yin to my yang. The best damn friend a girl could ask for.

Lauren Brynolf, you sexy thang. The light you bring to my life cannot be measured. Thank you for coming to my rescue once again with Take Two. Your keen eye and attention to detail, and the way you just GET me and my writing is invaluable. I love you, wifey!

KK, do you love me? Cuz I sure as heck love you. Thank you for beta reading this book and holding my hand throughout the entire process. Thank you for being there any time I need to talk whether it’s about book stuff or life stuff. You are one in a billion, my sweet, beautiful beech. I’m so lucky to be blessed with your friendship.

Harlot! You are the other half to my heart and the definition of a true friend. Honest. Loving. Dependable. Genuine. You are a true light in my life and I’m so grateful for your friendship. Thank you for being there for me. For celebrating the highs and pulling me out of the lows. My life is better because you’re in it and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Counting down the days til I squeeze you again!

Renee, thank you for ALL OF THE THINGS! From reading as I write and providing your honest feedback to keeping me on track and managing my author life. You are a gem of a PA but an even better friend. Love you, girl!

Nicole. Nicole. Nicole. I’m due one of your epic hugs real soon. Thank you once again for helping me with everything from plotting to beta reading. You’ve been my one constant since I started my writing career and I couldn’t imagine doing this without you. LOVE YOU!

Sammi, my little lovebug. Thank you for being so excited for this story. For being there from day one to help me plot and bring these characters to life. Thank you for being one of the people I know I can always count on. You mean so much to me. LOVE YOU!

Keri and Katherine… thank you. You’ve burst into my life in the last year and become such a vital part. You go above and beyond and love me far more than a deserve. I hope you know how mutual the love and respect is. You are incredible women and I’m so proud to call you my friends.

Nikki, thank you for humoring my obsession with you and Luis. One day I just know you’ll give him that second chance and ride off into the sunset on your white horse together!

Sara, sweet Sara! Thank you for being so supportive. For your constant feedback and encouragement.

Karla, Candy, and Yamara, thank you for helping with my Spanglish. I hope I did you proud.

To my editor Kiezha, thank you for making my words pretty and putting up with me!

Jules, thank you for yet another beautiful cover!

Stacey Blake, thank you for taking me on and making this book pretty!

To the girls of Give Me Books, thank you for putting up with me all these years! You are the BEST!

Thank you to my sister, Sandie and bestie Abby for helping proof this book. Love you two to the moon and back!

HUNNIES!!! You are the best damn reader group a girl could ask for. Thank you for your endless love and support and funny penis posts that keep me giggling. You get me. You really get me. I love you.

Heather M. Orgeron is a Cajun girl with a big heart and a passion for romance. She married her high school sweetheart two months after graduation and her life has been a fairytale ever since. She’s the queen of her castle, reigning over five sons and one bossy little princess who has made it her mission in life to steal her Momma’s throne. When she’s not writing, you will find her hidden beneath mounds of laundry and piles of dirty dishes or locked in her tower(aka the bathroom) soaking in the tub with a good book. She’s always been an avid reader and has recently discovered a love for cultivating romantic stories of her own.




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