TAKE TWO_ Who says you can't ma - Heather M. Orgeron Page 0,59

get a mouthwatering glimpse of his dimples and stark white teeth before his lips press a kiss to the top of my head and he opens his book.

I can’t help but spend a few minutes enjoying the view: Liam with his dark hair, wind-blown into a sexy mess. His sun-kissed cheeks. How hot he looks with his crystal eyes intently fixed on his reading material. The way his lip tugs into a hint of a smile every so often has my stomach in a flutter. There’s something incredibly sensual about watching a man read for pleasure.

“If you wanna go back to the room we can…” His smooth voice cuts through my dazed state. He reaches down, adjusting his semi in his shorts.

I smile sweetly. “Nope. Was just enjoying the scenery for a moment.”

I make a point to look around at the bright blue sky and teal waters to make as if he hasn’t been my sole focus before opening my book back to the spot I fell asleep on last night. A few minutes in and I nearly fall out of the hammock laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Liam sets his open book face down on his chest. “I wanna laugh too.”

“Woo… I… Oh my God, this book!” I can’t catch my breath.

He stares at me expectantly.

“Well, there’s this girl, Stacia, right? And she’s considering all sorts of shady shit to earn the money to get her father out on bail…because he’s innocent…”

“I’m listening…”

“So, anyway, her friend suggests this porn app, Virtual Kitty.”

Now he’s sort of eying me like I’m insane as he waits for the hook.

“The tagline is, ‘Pick your kitty, watch her purr.’” I cannot stop laughing. I’m snorting and slapping my hand on his chest. “It’s live porn. Like…they pick you and you perform for them. Get it? Purr-form?”

He rolls his eyes, only mildly amused.

My stomach’s starting to hurt from the force of my guffaws. “Dude, it’s funny! You’d have to read it I gue—”



Holy Shit! “Nya, are you okay?” A fear like I’ve never before experienced chills my veins. She was just laying here laughing her ass off and then out of nowhere a huge coconut dropped from above, knocking her on the head. Before I could even react, she went tumbling backward out of the hammock into the sand.

When I read that death via falling coconut was more likely than being bitten by a shark, I never imagined either of us actually being hit by one.

Why the fuck didn’t I think to check the trees before we camped out beneath them?

My legs get tangled up and I trip, eating a mouthful of sand as I rush to get to her. Of all times for there not to be a single other person around… “Babe! Nya?” I kneel over her sprawled-out body, checking her eyes for I don’t even know what. My heart is beating a mile a minute. I can’t stop touching her. She already has a huge knot protruding from her head, but she’s moaning and breathing so I think that’s good.

“Heyyy…” she mutters, barely able to keep her eyes open.

A huge lump forms in my throat. “Hey, darlin’. Can—can you walk?”

She giggles. It’s weak and sort of reminds me of when she’s piss drunk and can’t remember her own name. She hiccups, and her eyes bulge then she lulls her head to the side and starts vomiting. I know that’s not a good sign.

I scoop her up into my arms and carry her bridal style to the on-site clinic. Once we arrive, I explain the situation to the nurse, who immediately gets her vitals, performs a physical exam, and then bloodwork.

“Looks like she has a bit of a concussion, but her memory seems fine, so that’s good. She’ll just need lots of R&R.”

“Okay.” Rest and relaxation…we can do that. Hell, that’s what we planned to do anyway.

She leaves the two of us alone for a while. Nya keeps drifting in and out of sleep. My natural urge is to want to wake her. I’ve always been told not to let a person fall asleep after they’ve been knocked on the head, but as it turns out, there’s no medical reason to do that. If her body wants sleep, I’m to let her sleep. But I can’t say I’m not relieved they’re keeping us to monitor her for a while. Just being here and under the care of a medical professional has me less rattled.

My own eyes are just beginning to shut when the sound of

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