Take A Number - Amy Daws Page 0,110

it should. “Thanks, Max. Tell the chamber people I’m right behind you.”

He takes the contract and gives me a tight nod before I steel myself to walk outside and live in the moment, no matter the emotions warring inside my heart.

Norah steps out the front door of Rise and Shine-Denver, and the small crowd of people gathered in the roped-off area applaud, along with the hundred people lined up around the block for a croinut. I duck behind the large speaker and notice that Norah’s face falls when she spots the giant stage setup with rock-concert-level equipment right in the middle of the blocked-off street.

She points out the setup to Max, and he waves her off as he introduces her to the chamber people. They have a small microphone with a tiny amp that makes the professional equipment I’m hiding behind look obscene as they do their little welcome speech.

I spot Norah’s parents front and center along with Nate and his parents, plus Kate and Lynsey, and Miles and Josh, who’s got a squealing Julianna on his shoulders practically frothing at the mouth for her next sugar fix.

My eyes drift back to Norah as she listens to the chamber person rattle on about her business. She looks stunning in that white suit. It’s sexy but professional and gives me vibes of those stupid baker’s ponchos she normally wears but a million times better. She’s smiling and nervous, still trying to figure out what the hell the setup is behind all her guests who are seemingly here for her. My gut twists because I know this crazy plan Kate, Lynsey, and I dreamed up could go epically awesome or epically horrible.

Norah takes the microphone and welcomes everyone to Rise and Shine Bakery. She tells them about her recipe and the different flavors she will have to offer. Today’s flavor is caramel apple with a flaked dark chocolate finish. She says a lot of the things she said during her morning show feature that I watched with rapt fascination.

God, she’s incredible.

It was at that moment I knew I had to sign her stupid buyout contract. Even if it was unnecessary for her to buy me out, she deserves to own this success all on her own if that’s what she wants.

Finally, the crowd applauds as Norah cuts the ribbon and laughs along with everyone as she holds up the giant scissors. There’s a TV crew and a photographer nearby, snapping photos like crazy, but before she steps back to let everyone inside to enjoy the party, Max reaches for the microphone, much to Norah’s confusion.

“Thank you all for being here today,” Max says, yelling into the mic so I can hear him from my location. “And I promise we’re going to let you eat very soon, but first, we have a special surprise for you that even Norah doesn’t know about.”

Norah’s face is fucking adorable as she attempts to look amused and not totally fucking freaking out. But I know Norah, she had a list of everything that needed to be done today, and whatever is happening was not on the list, so she’s losing her shit.

Max smiles and continues, “A mutual friend of ours was able to pull some strings to make this treat happen…so, while you’re inside getting your sweet treats and helping yourself to some complimentary champagne, please put your hands together to welcome the musical stylings of Foreigner!”

Norah’s face contorts into this strange mix of anger and confusion. Honestly, it’s not attractive, which attracts me to her even more. I step out from behind the speakers as the band all take their places. Their road crew got here an hour ago and busted ass to set up, bitching about our shitty stage quality while I profusely apologized and told them I did the best I could in only twenty-four hours. I made sure to repeat how glad I was they could be here. Even if I had to pad some lady’s pocket at the city hall in order to rush a permit request for live music. And, holy shit, Foreigner is playing at Norah’s grand opening right now!

The lead singer walks up to the mic, and says, “Who’s hungry?”

The crowd of people in front of the ribbon and wrapped around the building all cheer so loudly, people from nearby streets begin walking over to see what’s going on.

“Cool,” the lead singer says. “Hey, can someone please take a number for us because we’d all love a caramel apple

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