Take Me Home Tonight - Morgan Matson Page 0,142

Teri from having a panic attack. He made a tsk sound. “You’re not doing a great job tonight, are you, Teri?”

“Hey!” Dustin started to run toward him, but Dimitri aimed the gun in his direction and Dustin stopped short.

“Watch yourself, dillweed,” Dimitri said. His voice was cold and menacing.

“Give her back.” Teri glared at Dimitri with all the hatred she currently felt.

“Give me my diamonds and I will.”

Teri looked at him, trying to see if he meant it. But what choice did she have but to comply? “Okay,” she said, taking a step forward. “Set her down and I’ll give you the diamonds. And then we’re done, right?”

Dimitri smirked. “That’s cute. Now let’s do this nice and easy.…”

Teri looked at Parker, who grinned back at her. Then she bit down hard on Dimitri’s hand. He yelled and dropped her. Teri rushed over, worried she was hurt, but Parker jumped to her feet and glared up at him.

“Watch yourself, dillweed!” she yelled, then kicked him in both shins before running back to Teri.

“Since when does she speak?” Dustin asked.

“I guess she really was waiting until she had something to say,” said Chris.

“Hey!” Dimitri fired his gun in the air. They all froze and looked at him, the five of them stepping closer together. “I’m done messing around with you kids. I want my diamonds, now.” He glared at Teri. “You’re done, babysitter. You’ve got nowhere left to go.”

Teri looked around and realized he was right. He was the mobster with the gun; they were three kids, their ill-qualified babysitter, and a cute Canadian boy. They didn’t stand a chance. “Okay.” Teri reached into her bag. “You win.”

At that moment, light streamed in from all around them. Ten SUVs were ringing them—and they’d all turned on their headlights at once. “FBI!” someone yelled. “Drop the weapon and step away from the children!”

A sound from the sky made everyone look up—a helicopter was circling, a spotlight pointing down at them. “CIA!” came a voice projected through a speaker. “Hands where we can see them!”

The sound of hooves made Teri turn around. At least ten officers in red uniforms, on horseback, had just ridden up. “Royal Canadian Mounted Police!” one of them yelled. “Please get down on the ground, if it’s not too much trouble.”

Teri looked around—at the agent arresting Dimitri, at the cavalry that had shown up just in time—and started to cry with relief. This long night, full of misadventures—at last, it was finally over.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, Teri had turned over the stolen diamonds and given her statement, and everyone had been checked by the medics. The kids were meeting the Mounties’ horses, and they all seemed thrilled about it. She tried to tell herself that she should be happy, that things had worked out. Dimitri was going to jail for a long time, the kids were safe, and she no longer was the one making the decisions. And yet…

“Hey.” She looked over and saw Dustin walking toward her. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” Teri said, nodding. “I just wish…”

“Hey, babysitter.” She and Dustin turned around—and there was Real Gilroy walking toward them, smiling and very much alive.

“What?” Teri’s jaw dropped. “How—”

Real Gilroy tapped his chest. “Bulletproof vest. I knew getting Dimitri to think I was dead was my best chance of getting my backup in place. Sorry if I scared you.”

“No,” Teri said, smiling wide, even though she felt like she was also about to cry with relief. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Sorry about the door,” Real Gilroy said, holding out his hand to Dustin to shake. “We’re fixing it now.”

“I appreciate it,” Dustin said. “And my dad will too.”

Real Gilroy tapped his watch. “It’s getting late. We should get you kids home.”

“Right.” Just like that, the reality of the situation—which had been pushed from Teri’s mind as she’d focused on more pressing things, like not getting shot—hit her. She was going to be in so much trouble. “I guess I have to face the music.”

Real Gilroy cleared his throat. “Actually… it would be better if nobody knew any of this happened. National security.”

“But we can’t drive all the way back to Connecticut before the Stones get home. I left the rental car behind.…”

Real Gilroy just smiled. “We’ll sort it out. Ready to go in five?” Teri nodded and he walked away, pulling out a walkie-talkie as he went.

She turned to Dustin and took him in. His sweet smile. His baseball cap. His kind eyes. She could practically feel the unspoken things

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