Take the Chance (Top Shelf Romance #9) - Brittainy Cherry Page 0,412

and I step back.

“Oh no, this is all you.” She motions from me to Liam.

“What? I can’t—”

“Seriously, Darren? It’s poop. If you knock my bestie up, you’re going to need to learn how to do this. Might as well start now. Don’t worry. I’ll walk you through it.” She pats me on the shoulder.

I give her the eye.

“You don’t scare me, Westinghouse. Deal with the poop.”

I sigh. I guess she has a point. If Charlene decides she wants to have kids, I’m going to have to change some shitty diapers along the way. I unsnap the onesie that reads iPood, ironically enough.

“Okay, let’s get the wipes ready. Liam is notorious for his ass explosions, aren’t you, buddy?” Violet coos at him, and he smiles and claps his hands together.

I prepare the wipes and look to Violet. “What next?”

“Time to get your hands dirty. Okay, you’re going to pull the tabs on the diaper, and the trick is to slide the top of the diaper down and then grab Liam’s ankles and lift them before he can jam his foot in the dirty business. Got it?”

“I think so?” I follow her instructions and gag a little as I get a glimpse of the damage. Violet walks me through cleaning him up, which is just . . . fucking nasty. Liam seems to think it’s hilarious, though.

Violet’s all smiles as I go for wipe number fifty. “Did you bring the ring this weekend?”


“You gonna pussy out again?”

I’ve had the ring for a few months. “I’m waiting for the right time. I don’t want to push Charlene into something she’s not ready for.”

“Seriously? If she didn’t run screaming at the offer to be knocked up by you, I’m pretty sure it means she’s ready. Besides, I hear Randy’s been looking at rings, and he and Lily are the co-founders of the Anti-Marriage Brigade. If you propose first, it means you get dibs on wedding dates.”

“You think Randy’s going to buy Lily a ring?”

“Make sure his wiener is pointing down,” Violet instructs as I slide the fresh diaper under Liam’s butt. She nudges me out of the way and finishes up. “I think what people want can change with time and perspective. You and Char are a perfect example of that. We can all make ourselves scarce tonight if you want. It’s supposed to be nice out. There are always fireflies by the water when the sun goes down.”

I mull that over. “You really think she’ll say yes?”

Violet fastens the snaps and picks up Liam, patting his little fresh butt. “When I met Charlene, she didn’t date a guy for more than three weeks. She never settled down and wasn’t interested in long-term boyfriends, which, considering what she’s been through, isn’t much of a surprise. But everything changed with you, Darren. If you ask, she’ll say yes.”

“Okay.” I nod, resolved.

She smiles and pats my cheek. “Now go wash your hands so they’re not covered in crap residue, and maybe your face, too.”


By nine o’clock, Alex and Violet still haven’t reappeared from putting Robbie to bed. I have my doubts that Sunny and Miller will be back since the twins were fussy at dinner. Lily and Randy are likely doing what Lily and Randy do best, and with Poppy in the early stages of pregnancy where all she seems to want to do is take naps, she might be done for the night, as well.

I’m not sure Violet had to work all that hard to give me and Charlene some privacy.

Charlene snuggles into my side on the glider, and we watch the sun disappear behind the trees from the deck outside our bedroom. “Remember when we used to stay up until three in the morning and drink our faces off?”

“I certainly do. My favorite part was always getting you up to the room at the end of the night. You’re such an adventure in the bedroom when you’re drunk.” I run my nose up her temple and kiss her cheek.

“I always went into it with the best of intentions.”

I can feel her smiling. “Let’s try all the things!” I mimic her voice.

“I do not sound like that when I’m drunk!”

“You do, and I love it. You’re so fucking adorable when you’re trying to be a little firefly.” I chuckle. “We could do shots if you feel like letting your freak out.”

Charlene snorts. “I think I’ll pass. Those babies are like roosters at the crack of dawn. I can’t imagine nursing a hangover and dealing with

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