Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,97

throwing my hands up in the air in frustration.

Matthew laughs beside me. “I think cops have these special chips inserted into their brains when they join the force. It enables them—as well as other things—to see behind their backs.”

I ponder his witty comment for a moment, but then Jake walks in with Marcos behind him. “I’m sorry to trouble you all. I see you’re having dinner. Ana, I just need to have a very quick word with you, if you don’t mind?”

I nod, walking out the door and into the living area. I motion for him to take a seat. “Do you want me to get you a drink, Agent Marcos?” I ask, politely.

He shakes his head. “No, no that’s fine. I won’t be long—and please, call me Andrew.”

I acknowledge his request as he begins. “I assume you know all about what has happened in the last twenty-four hours?” I nod. “Well, after what you told me, we tried to match the DNA of the hair we found at the scene with the DNA database. I was hoping it would be a match for Alan Martin, but it came back blank. Whoever’s doing this hasn’t committed a crime that we know of before. It makes life a little more difficult, but rest assured, we’re not going to back down. We will find the asshole.” He pauses a moment and then continues. “As you are probably aware, we have requested that everyone at the station give their DNA willingly. We are doing it with the strict instructions that all will be destroyed once each person is eliminated. We will be calling in people one by one first thing tomorrow morning. It will cause a little upset, but it has to be done. It’s just as a precautionary measure. He feels an intense intimate connection towards you, so we feel that it is someone you may know.”

I nod my head. Everything he says makes sense. I do feel somewhat disappointed to hear that Alan had nothing to do with this after all. At least now, I won’t have to bring this sordid, little detail up in front of Jake. My secret is still safe.

“Okay, well I think I’m done unless you want to tell me anything else? Anything new you have thought about since we last met?”

I shake my head. “No, Agent Marcos. There’s nothing. Thank you, though. I do appreciate you taking the time to come here and tell me in person.”

We both get up and shake hands. “It was a pleasure. And please, call me Andrew.”

Jake wanders through the door and gapes at us standing there—our hands still clasped.

I quickly pull away. “Thank you, Andrew. I’ll see you out.” He nods and heads for the door as Jake continues to stare with one eyebrow raised.

Once I say goodbye, I shut the door behind me. As I spin around to head for the kitchen, I find myself bouncing off of a very rigid chest.

“Oh,” I gasp. “I didn’t know you were standing right there.”

He looks down at me. “Oh, you didn’t, did you? Have fun with Agent Marcos? I didn’t know we were on first name basis with the enemy now. I still can’t leave you alone for five minutes … and in my own house, of all places.”

I slap his arm, telling him not to be so silly. He then pulls me in for a hug and smiles, letting me know he’s only joking. I think it’s only to a certain extent, though.

“I came in to see how long you would be. Dinner’s ready. I’ve made chicken in mushroom sauce with rice. I hope you’re hungry.”

I nod on his chest. “Starving. I could eat a horse.”

He mutters, “Good,” and releases me. “Before we go in, can you quickly tell me what he said?”

I knew this was coming, but I haven’t yet prepared myself for how to answer. I have to think quickly on my feet. “He just wanted to let me know that the hair they found didn’t match anyone in the database, and that they are going to start testing people at the station tomorrow. He also wanted to reassure me that they are doing everything they can.”

Jake pulls me in, landing a kiss on my forehead. “I guess Agent Marcos isn’t such an asshole, despite being FBI.” I laugh at his candidness as he leads me by the hand into the kitchen.

We sit down to eat, and everything looks delicious. My mouth waters at the look and smell

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